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About this website

This website distills key lessons learned by UNDEF from its post-project evaluations.

These lessons can be used by civil society organizations and NGOs applying for grants and designing project documents. They might also be of interest to bilateral or multilateral funders of democracy and human rights projects as well as academic or other researchers concerned with civil society and democracy.

Lessons learned can be thematic – what works well if you want to engage rural women?
Lessons might also be related to project management – what are some of the issues involved in developing results framework? Or to project approaches – such as what makes for successful training and capacity building.

You can search for lessons by region, country and theme or make links between and across lessons by clicking on the key word tags.

If the lesson is of particular interest you can find out more about the project it came from by clicking on the project page.

The project page contains all the lessons from that project.

UNDEF welcomes feedback on the lessons learned and on how this resource could be used to support civil society organizations.