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Lesson Learned: Active democracy and political participation of tribal communities in the Indian Himalayas

A principal reason for the project’s impact was the coherence between training/education, bridging processes and mobilization of stakeholder groups and community structures such as Resource Centres to support them. Training, education and sensitization will are more effective if there are processes or structures in place that can contribute to transforming them into practical outcomes.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objectives were to enhance civic participation among Himalayan tribes and empower marginalized groups (women, people with disabilities and nomads); and to engage with governance issues and democratic dialogue. To this end, the project aimed to build a supportive environment for enhanced democratic participation through supporting state and non-state actors. The project consisted of 10 core components creating a continuum of involvement from awareness of rights to access to those rights, supported by the training and mobilization of relevant support actors and those who could make the rights a reality. The project design was logical and very much tuned to the needs of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders in this challenging region. There were no delays in project delivery, since it had been designed with the seasonal obstacles relevant to the target region in mind.
Evaluation Date
October 2012