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Lesson Learned: Citizenship is my Right

The Municipal Youth Councils are venues where young people can open a dialogue and strengthen their civic participation in institutions. The creation of these councils has not only made it possible to organize group activities for young people and heighten their visibility, but to ensure the accountability of youth council leaders. The participating youth were convinced, engaged, and well-organized; they have established concrete plans of action and in several cases managed to obtain financial support from the municipality.
Project Partner
Mouvement Social
Project Description
This project aimed to promote democratic participation in local government decision-making by creating Municipal Youth Councils. Designed to encourage young people to gain self-confidence and trust one another the project focused on civic education for local leaders; the creation of Municipal Youth Councils in the targeted villages; and the development of group and individual employment and social projects addressing the social and economic needs of the villages. There project was coherent and relevant. The skills and knowledge from the training were applied to concrete activities that fostered changes in the young people’s behaviour and their effective participation in decision-making.
Evaluation Date
January 2012