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Lesson Learned: Together against violence and discrimination of women

Project materials contained messages that were in some cases discriminatory and not compatible with international norms. There was concern that the training materials misrepresented the concept of gender and that there was a generally poor understanding of the issue.
Project Partner
Association des Femmes de Tadjourah
Project Description
The objective of the project was to contribute to the elimination of violence and discrimination against women in 20 communes of Djibouti’s Tadjourah region. This was to be achieved through awareness raising and mobilisation of the local population; and by building the personal capacities of local actors and structures, followed by the creation of 20 local vigilance groups in the targeted communes. There was, however, a fundamental flaw in the design of the project that reflected a mismatch between the problem identified and the responses chosen. The grantee’s research identified the principal cause of violence against women as patriarchal attitudes and behaviours that relegate women to an inferior status in the couple, the community and the nation. A weak legal framework to support action to end violence, and weak implementation of existing clauses in the Constitution that promise gender equality were also found. The project did not address these causes but focused on raising the awareness of women, potentially putting them at risk of reprisals.
Evaluation Date
March 2016