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Lesson Learned: Defence of Vulnerable People and Democracy Restoration for Workers in the Exploitation of Mines in Democratic Republic of Congo

In areas where long-distance travel is difficult, it is important to take this into account in project design. The legal clinics provided to miners in this project would have had greater impact if there were more of them or if they were provided with means of transport. The distance between clinics prevented those in need from taking advantage of the legal resources provided to them.

Project Description
This project aims to increase the effectiveness and protection of economic, social and cultural rights of local communities and traditional miners in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources, in the DRC. This will be achieved through a legal reform, the popularization of legal texts, awareness raising of local community leaders, of the judiciary and mine administration officials on their rights and obligations; in support of mining diggers rights and the monitoring of human rights related to the exploitation of natural resources.
Evaluation Date
August 2018