Lesson Learned: Constructing Citizenship in San Luis de Potosí
The CSO network, which was an important mechanism for dialogue and information exchange between public officials and social stakeholders was established but its operative role as a privileged advocate with state entities and decision-makers needs strengthening. For example, individual youth groups that are highly motivated to engage in civic participation were not able to participate in high level meetings with members of States congress. The same holds true for women’s organizations, which, despite the many problems that affect women, have very little organizational presence in the state of San Luis Potosí. Mechanisms for dialogue between public officials and youth are still characterized by very vertical communication and to some extent, an adult-centered culture that is hard to eradicate.
Project Name
Project Partner
Educación y Ciudadanía A.C.
Project Description
The aim of the project was to empower CSOs to promote democracy in Mexico through real and effective civic engagement, the exercise of human rights, and support for political dialogue. The project also sought to encourage the active participation of youth and women in local democracy- and citizenship-building activities to improve their ability to influence policy and impact local governance. The project offered a framework for improving the exercise of citizenship and mobilizing key civil society stakeholders, who realized the role they could play in devising, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating public policies. The training and citizen networking initiatives to increase participation and influence in the public sphere, the preparation of thematic agendas, and the drafting of legislative proposals were important models for democratic practices in a society characterized by civic passivity in the last 10 years. The project beneficiaries as a group were willing to get more directly involved in public affairs and the project has provided them with the tools and publications they need.. However, better links between and organization of the CSOs needs to take place to improve their ability to act in the social and political sphere.
Evaluation Date
April 2013