Lesson Learned: Strengthening Arts as an Action to Stand up for Women´s Rights in Nicaragua
Many of the situations that arose during the dialogue with communities and theatre audiences surpassed the capacity for support and advice that could be offered by the theatre groups, female counsellors and/or advocacy groups involved int he project. Being able to call on the support of specialized professionals - lawyers, therapists, social workers - working in the field of domestic violence and sexual abuse of children is one aspect that needs to be strengthened.
Project Partner
Movimiento de Teatro Popular Sin Fronteras
Project Description
The project aimed to protect and promote women´s rights using the arts to communicate messages and to raise awareness of the challenges women are facing in protecting and promoting their rights, in spite of the existence of the Law on Violence Against Women (Law 779). The strategy of the project was built around two components: capacity building and awareness raising measures including theatre production and artistic expression; and preventive actions to solve key problems linked to the implementation of Law 779. The project was relevant, as it was carried out at a time of polarization and controversy over the passing of Law no. 779 on Violence against Women (2012) and the reform of this law in 2013. With the aim of making the issue visible, the project relied on promoting collaboration and alliances and mobilizing women’s organizations, civil society actors and local authorities.
Evaluation Date
January 2016