Lesson Learned: Young Builders of a New Citizenship In Chad
Although more than eight hundred young people from Chad were informed about their rights and duties, the project did not lead to any changes in the youth organizations’ perception of how the voice of young people could be heard. Most of the young interviewees declared that there was no additional dialogue with authorities after the project’s termination.
Project Name
Project Partner
Action des Partenaires pour l'Appui au Développement
Project Description
The project aimed to empower young people so that their voices could be heard by public authorities. The project focused on strengthening youth capacity, youth initiatives and dialogue between youth organizations and authorities as partners in public policy. It was a continuation of a programme which the grantee had been conducting since 2005 through its youth network in 12 municipalities across the country.
The project was based on the finding that participation of young Chadians in the public sphere was very low and that there was a need to increase their capacity for action. The project was relevant, since there is no real youth strategy in the country and youth represent 70 per cent of the population but lack access to democratic space and have a low quality of education.
Evaluation Date
December 2015