Lesson Learned: Women Can Do It – Balanced Participation in Decision-Making
While the numbers of women candidates who won seats in the local and district elections of Moldova did not increase greatly, the greatest impact of the project was on its beneficiaries. The project enhanced their self-esteem and self-confidence, gave them the sense of being members of a community of women which transcends party lines and social divisions, motivated and empowered them to become active in public life, and provided the tools to enable them to do so successfully.
Project Partner
Political Club of Women 50/50
Project Description
The purpose of the project was to empower women and encourage them to participate as candidates in the local elections in Moldova in 2011. The project’s methodology, as well as the philosophy and psychology of learning guiding it, derived from a training programme begun by the women’s organization of the Norwegian Labour Party developed in the early 1990s. The grantee utilized the core methodology in earlier, smaller-scale projects since 2001-2002. The emphasis throughout the project process was on building self-confidence and providing guidance on how to overcome the barriers to women realizing their potential as actors in the political process. The approach adopted proved highly pertinent to those involved, not only in relation to public life, but also in enabling them to rethink their place in the workplace, in the family, and in everyday life.
Evaluation Date
September 2011