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Lesson Learned: The National Campaign towards Muslim Family Law Reform (MFL Campaign) in Malaysia

The overall situation regarding women’s rights in Malaysia was largely unchanged by the project. However, if the project had not occurred, it is likely that the space to discuss Muslim women’s rights would have closed further as grantee activities kept these issues in the public arena. It also seems likely that this project provided a safe space for women to discuss their problems and to find strength in collective voice. The project also gave some of the women’s groups, pro-reform media and interested Members of Parliament (MPs) the language and justifications they could use to support Muslim Family Law reform when that issue arose.

Project Partner
Sisters in Islam/ SIS Forum
Project Description
The project sought to increase public demand for law reform based on the principles of justice and equality. It did this by raising awareness among women on their rights within Islam and women’s access to justice. Its intended outcomes were: increased awareness of rights among women at the grassroots level; increased public discussions on religion; and increased engagement and dialogue among women’s groups and government stakeholders by 2015. The project attempted to effect change from the bottom up, but more activities would have been needed at the grassroots level for the desired outcomes. One-off workshops were not enough to create the type of momentum and broad based support needed to create a surge in public voice for law reform.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Constructing Citizenship in San Luis de Potosí

Before the project CSOs in the region worked in isolation. After the project many realized what can be accomplished if they work together—specifically, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the CSO network. Several of the CSOs interviewed considered the mere fact of getting to know one other and learning “who does what” a very positive development. This has fostered solidarity among them, creating connections and enabling them to learn about each other and share services and skills.
Project Partner
Educación y Ciudadanía A.C.
Project Description
The aim of the project was to empower CSOs to promote democracy in Mexico through real and effective civic engagement, the exercise of human rights, and support for political dialogue. The project also sought to encourage the active participation of youth and women in local democracy- and citizenship-building activities to improve their ability to influence policy and impact local governance. The project offered a framework for improving the exercise of citizenship and mobilizing key civil society stakeholders, who realized the role they could play in devising, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating public policies. The training and citizen networking initiatives to increase participation and influence in the public sphere, the preparation of thematic agendas, and the drafting of legislative proposals were important models for democratic practices in a society characterized by civic passivity in the last 10 years. The project beneficiaries as a group were willing to get more directly involved in public affairs and the project has provided them with the tools and publications they need.. However, better links between and organization of the CSOs needs to take place to improve their ability to act in the social and political sphere.
Evaluation Date
April 2013

Lesson Learned: Empowerment of Women Citizens in Turkey

The project was extremely effective in building and enhancing the awareness and understanding of the concepts of gender equality and women’s rights in the case of the 350 women activists who completed the Training of Trainers course. In this respect, it built a strong sense of collective and individual empowerment which, in turn, strengthened both their resolve and their capacity to support the empowerment of other women.
Project Partner
Association for Supporting and Training of Women Candidates
Project Description
The project aimed to raise women’s awareness of their rights as citizens, while also increasing the participation and representation of women in political life. To this end, the project aimed to increase the capacity of selected women’s NGOs in all seven regions of the country. The grantee developed a training-of-trainers’ (ToT) manual and a training guide; organized and delivered a ToT course in 14 centres, two in each region of the country; and encouraged the 350 graduates of the ToT program to each deliver training courses themselves, utilizing the manual and training guide. Deep gender disparities continued to exist in Turkish social and economic life, and many women were quite unaware of their rights as citizens. The project was directly relevant to this problem, as it sought to enhance the capacity of women activists, who were engaged with improving the lives of other women, by enhancing their knowledge of the concepts of gender equality, of women’s rights as citizens, and of practical measures which might be taken to enable women to defend themselves against injustice.
Evaluation Date
February 2012

Lesson Learned: Women Can Do It – Balanced Participation in Decision-Making

The project encouraged many women in Moldova to stand for selection as party candidates at local and district levels, while also enabling them to mount effective campaigns. It established a national cadre of well-qualified and highly committed trainers and women capable of being effective decision-makers. It showed large numbers of women how to network and collaborate with their peers across party lines and demonstrated the benefits of such collaboration.

Project Partner
Political Club of Women 50/50
Project Description
The purpose of the project was to empower women and encourage them to participate as candidates in the local elections in Moldova in 2011. The project’s methodology, as well as the philosophy and psychology of learning guiding it, derived from a training programme begun by the women’s organization of the Norwegian Labour Party developed in the early 1990s. The grantee utilized the core methodology in earlier, smaller-scale projects since 2001-2002. The emphasis throughout the project process was on building self-confidence and providing guidance on how to overcome the barriers to women realizing their potential as actors in the political process. The approach adopted proved highly pertinent to those involved, not only in relation to public life, but also in enabling them to rethink their place in the workplace, in the family, and in everyday life.
Evaluation Date
September 2011

Lesson Learned: Women Can Do It – Balanced Participation in Decision-Making

While the numbers of women candidates who won seats in the local and district elections of Moldova did not increase greatly, the greatest impact of the project was on its beneficiaries. The project enhanced their self-esteem and self-confidence, gave them the sense of being members of a community of women which transcends party lines and social divisions, motivated and empowered them to become active in public life, and provided the tools to enable them to do so successfully.
Project Partner
Political Club of Women 50/50
Project Description
The purpose of the project was to empower women and encourage them to participate as candidates in the local elections in Moldova in 2011. The project’s methodology, as well as the philosophy and psychology of learning guiding it, derived from a training programme begun by the women’s organization of the Norwegian Labour Party developed in the early 1990s. The grantee utilized the core methodology in earlier, smaller-scale projects since 2001-2002. The emphasis throughout the project process was on building self-confidence and providing guidance on how to overcome the barriers to women realizing their potential as actors in the political process. The approach adopted proved highly pertinent to those involved, not only in relation to public life, but also in enabling them to rethink their place in the workplace, in the family, and in everyday life.
Evaluation Date
September 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the Leadership of Women in Local Democracy – Gram Panchayats (Village Councils in India)

The project created federations among the women representatives. While this was not funded by the UNDEF project, these networks will contribute to the project’s sustainability. The women involved repeatedly mentioned to evaluators their expectations from the federations, saying that their work could benefit from exchange and cooperation among elected women representatives, in order to identify solutions to similar issues occurring across their village councils.

Project Partner
The Hunger Project - India
Project Description
The project aimed to strengthen the leadership of women elected into Gram Panchayats (Village Councils) in the state of Rajasthan. Project activities were undertaken pre- and post-elections. Pre-election the activities involved championing the women candidates. Post-election the project focused on helping women fulfill their roles and responsibilities as elected women representatives (EWRs). A pre-election campaign focused on the dissemination of simplified, complete and accurate information. The goal of this information was to counter various myths and misunderstandings that were used to discourage prospective women candidates. Campaign materials were well researched and created with great care, taking into account local needs and conditions. Following the elections, residential leadership workshops instilled confidence, self-respect, dignity and solidarity among the women representatives.
Evaluation Date
September 2011

Lesson Learned: Empowerment of Shanty Towns’ Settlers through Democratic Spaces

Having acquired skills in organizing, participation, problem solving, and the search for solutions, the shanty town residents came to understand the importance of engagement and the role they should play in community development. The transfer of knowledge and skills not only raised capacity, but also launched a social dialogue among marginalized people, who have become more articulate about their needs.


Project Partner
Un Techo Para mi País
Project Description
Aiming to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in marginalized areas and to put self-promotion processes in motion, the project’s goal was to enable these beneficiaries to take charge of their own affairs and to know and demand their rights. The grantee created permanent community centres and promoted community development through specific micro projects to mobilize and train teams of volunteers, and to strengthen the community centres’ capacity to organize and dialogue with local decision-making bodies. The beneficiaries greatly appreciated the project’s assistance on the ground. The volunteers’ continuous presence heightened the populations’ motivation and engagement. Several factors contributed to the project’s effectiveness: country action plans suited to local realities; the formation of well-trained teams of volunteers; the strong mobilization and participation of settlers in the activities; the financing of projects proposed by the target populations to improve their living conditions; and the quality of the local support provided by the teams of volunteers.
Evaluation Date
September 2011