Lesson Learned: Human rights training and capacity-building for indigenous people
Impact was limited as the project was mainly focused on mobilizing the partner organizations’ members, with little regard for establishing significant collaboration with other actors from Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Peru involved in the same issues.
It would have been useful to publish a simple directory of indigenous organizations existing in Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Peru, as well as of stakeholders in civil society and their donors, which include indigenous communities among their priorities.
It would have been useful to publish a simple directory of indigenous organizations existing in Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Peru, as well as of stakeholders in civil society and their donors, which include indigenous communities among their priorities.
Project Partner
International Indian Treaty Council
Project Description
The project aimed to expand the awareness of and ability of indigenous groups to use international human rights standards and mechanisms. The project particularly targeted skilled community leaders who could replicate the training courses. Ultimately the grantee sought to build the indigenous peoples’ ability to participate and organize themselves so that they could challenge discrimination and oppression.
The training of trainers succeeded in empowering community leaders and increasing their knowledge of international instruments for the defense of their rights, of which they were previously unaware. Methodological and pedagogical support for disseminating human rights knowledge in indigenous communities was, however, not provided and there is no evidence of any analysis being made of the results and lessons learned during the training, which would contributed to the sustainability of the project and the future usefulness of the training documents.
Evaluation Date
August 2010