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Lesson Learned: Pour une Diplomatie Non Gouvernementale

Participants in the project expressed strong satisfaction with the skills and confidence they had gained: "We have become more credible actors with enhanced political impact. Although it is too early to appreciate the direct effects, we are confident that we will see them soon.”
Project Partner
Coordination SUD
Project Description
The objective of the project was to strengthen national and regional platforms of civil society organizations and to increase their influence. The project was based on the strategy that civil society platforms should play an important role in national, regional, and international negotiations. The project aimed to democratize debates on globalization and to enhance the influence of national and regional platforms on public policy-making. The project goals were: to develop national and regional NGO platforms; to enhance CSO advocacy skills through six exercises in nongovernmental diplomacy; the launch of an International NGO Resource Center; and the institutionalization and consolidation of the International Forum of National NGO Platforms. The project worked with national NGO platforms in Brazil, Chile, Senegal and the USA as well as regional platforms based in West Africa, India and Central Africa.
Evaluation Date
March 2012