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Lesson Learned: Civil Sector Capacity Building Initiative in Kazakhstan

There was limited interest by the targeted beneficiaries in participating in the project. The grantee therefore had to abandon some of its activities and adapt others. Only five of the NGOs from the initial training for Accountability Coaches continued to participate in the second training on monitoring and evaluation; a third training focused almost exclusively on how to produce better annual reports for the NGOs chosen as subgrantees. Only three out of 75 contacted donors responded to the online survey of donor practices.
Project Partner
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia
Project Description
The project sought to improve the quality of nongovernmental organizations’ (NGO) services and programmes by strengthening their capacity to effectively implement accountability standards. Its intended outcomes were: strengthened NGO capacity to implement accountability strategies and tools; strengthened capacity of donor community to foster participatory accountability within the NGO community; and increased public demand for greater NGO accountability to beneficiaries. The project design, however, was not well grounded in the larger concept of accountability, or in how donors incorporate these principles into the efforts they fund. It also did not take into consideration feedback received from potential partners and beneficiaries during the design, and did not adequately consult with donors who were identified as a target group.
Evaluation Date
March 2016