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Lesson Learned: Learning and Living Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The project encouraged cross cultural cooperation and transcended ethnic lines. Putting together children from different ethnic backgrounds working on issues related to human rights had immediate effects on attitudes. All participants involved in project activities have experienced mindset change within their own communities and in schools because they were exposed to new ways of addressing human rights practices.
Project Partner
Democracy and Human Rights Education Center CIVITAS
Project Description
The project identified institutional educational weaknesses and proposed pragmatic approaches to address them. Overall the project was a success. The following elements contributed to the quality of the strategy: an appropriate response to the complex political and social context in the country drawn from the NGO‟s long time experience; a sound assessment of the political context based on long term partnership with education ministries in Bosnia and a good understanding of the targeted audience needs, based on the grantee’s experience of certifying teachers and their involvement in official curricula content design taught in all public schools.
Evaluation Date
September 2010