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local needs


Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

Grantees should take care to adapt the information used in capacity-building exercises to the needs of the target groups. Grantees should consider adapting the information into more accessible or creative forms such as role plays, dramas, or art, or delivering information in conjunction with other activities meeting beneficiary needs (such as sports, life skills workshops) to bring key messages across.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women's Land Ownership Rights in Eastern Sierra Leone

Allocating a portion of the budget to carry out a research component at the beginning of the project is crucial in developing the best understanding possible of the key issues and barriers in the local context.

Project Partner
Humanist Watch Salone
Project Description
This community-driven project is aimed at supporting an informed public debate and advocacy on women land ownership rights in the Districts of Kailahun, Kenema and Kono in Eastern Sierra Leone. The project will focus on research, public awareness-raising, building knowledge of communities on human rights and the Devolution of Estates legal framework, thus creating a forum for communities to critically analyze the need to enhance gender fairness and social justice, in the existing land tenure system.
Evaluation Date
July 2018

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Political Participation of Marginalised Women in Nepal

The project strategy was designed to operate progressively in stages, beginning with a database that tracked progress with measurable indicators. The activities designed and developed by the stakeholders were modified with the findings of rapid assessment reports. All stages were discussed by the target audience. This approach helped identify related grassroots capacity-building needs, develop suitable awareness and training materials, and forge ties between marginalized women and local authorities.
Project Partner
Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
Project Description
The project organized women into informal Women's Democracy Forums to build a culture of collaboration between marginalized women from different social backgrounds in five Nepalese districts. It intended to give women a voice at the district and village level by providing information, education, and communication materials and offering training courses on women's rights. Project activities combined traditional and alternative means of communication, such as street theater. This oral mode of education was adapted to the needs of remote communities. The project's visibility was also enhanced by the production of weekly radio programs; 72 episodes on the political empowerment of women and democratic processes were produced and broadcast over a six–month period. Local authorities and grassroots resource persons increased their commitment to the political inclusion of women. All of these activities were innovative in these Nepalese districts and were skillfully carried out by the implementing team. All activities were successfully concluded and delivered results over and above expectations.
Evaluation Date
September 2010