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Lesson Learned: Preparing Iraqi women as leaders, advocates, participants in the political field

Both trainers and trainees considered that the training could have had a more practical application for example, if the women participants could have had placements in political offices. Had the project been longer this kind of practical experience would have been possible.
Project Partner
Iraqi Civic Action Network
Project Description
The project aimed to prepare Iraqi women for full and equal participation in the democratic process, by equipping them with knowledge of their rights and by providing a practical set of skills to empower them use this knowledge politically. The grantee worked with existing NGOs that were members the Iraq Civic Action Network. Activities included Training of Trainers for NGO participants; internships for young women who were placed with the NGOs; knowledge-sharing workshops and civic forums organized by the trainees to reach out to a wider public, including decision makers and media; and the reinvigoration of a National Committee for the Political Participation of Iraqi Women.
Evaluation Date
October 2011