Lesson Learned: Empowerment of Women in India through Innovative Vocational Education and Training
The project generated 35 self-help groups which involved 451 former trainees in joint community and / or entrepreneurial activity in India. Graduates organised numerous initiatives to address community problems (e.g. alcoholism, domestic violence, poverty, social exclusion, traffic accidents).
Project Partner
Amrita University (Amritapuri Campus)
Project Description
The project aimed to provide socially and economically impoverished women in India with the ability to participate in the democratic process and to strengthen their capacity to make decisions at individual, family and community levels. In addition to Computerized Vocational and Educational Training (CVET), which qualified beneficiaries for a wider range of employment opportunities and thus widen for them the scope of possibilities to achieve financial independence, Life Enrichment Education (LEE) activities, which comprised of video lectures and animated group discussions, complemented the women trainee’s entrepreneurial skills with democratic values and civic awareness, in order to transform them post-graduation into empowered participants of their local communities.
Evaluation Date
May 2014