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Lesson Learned: Promoting Active Participation of Civil Society in Environmental Governance

Despite the existence of an integration plan, no official decision had been taken by the Vietnam Institute of Human rights and the Academy of Politics and Public administration about the launch of a human-rights based environmental protection course. Both the grantee and officials were unable to present evidence that the achievements made by the UNDEF project are politically supported, either by the Party’s Central Committee or the Board of Academy of Politics and Public Administration. This experience highlights that applying an all-inclusive partnership approach, to the extent possible, is vital for the achievement of democracy development project objectives.
Project Partner
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Vietnam
Project Description
The project aimed to improve environmental conditions in Viet Nam. The grantee worked with the Vietnam Institute of Human Rights (VIHR) of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration (HCMPA) to prepare a curriculum for high-level government officials designed to provide a better understanding of the benefits of civil society participation in environmental policy. The grantee also worked with the Center of Environmental Training and Communications (CETAC) of the Vietnam Environmental Administration (VEA) to train journalists in the use of independent research methods and sources of investigation. In addition, the project supported the capacity building of local NGOs in the areas of strategic planning, financial management, and communications, in order to help them address key donor expectations.
Evaluation Date
December 2012