Lesson Learned: Renforcement des capacités de formation en leadership pour renforcer la participation des femmes dans la vie publique (Algérie)
While the project was relevant at the time it was conceived and implemented, the introduction of quotas for women in Algeria significantly changed the status quo after 2012. It is not possible to gauge whether the projected multiplier effect did in fact take place. Nor is it possible to judge with absolute certainty whether participation in the project actually prompted more women to stand for election at any level.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objective was to build the capacity of women who are involved in NGOs, trade unions and political parties so that they have the confidence to participate in governance, particularly in local bodies in Algeria. This was to be achieved through leadership training in eight districts for at least 500 women; and a series of four seminars on women’s role in public life for at least 300 women. While the project was relevant, it was only partly effective, not efficient and difficult to judge its impact and sustainability.
Evaluation Date
November 2013