Lesson Learned: Training of Justice System Professionals to Litigate before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
The professional competence and the quality of the infrastructure provided by the grantee was excellent The grantee made available a modern E-learning platform for the online phase of the international human rights training courses and personalized assistance to the beneficiaries. This methodological approach yielded excellent academic results, striking a balance between the online and in-person training.
Project Name
Project Partner
Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile
Project Description
The aim of the project was to increase victims’ access to international justice through the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, following an amendment of the court’s rules of procedure to improve the victims’ access to legal representation. The project focused on upgrading the technical and legal advocacy skills of justice system professionals for the promotion and protection of human rights and improving their understanding of international human rights standards. It also focused on raising awareness of the 100 Rules of Brasilia Regulations, and the Inter-American Human Rights System.
This was the first initiative in the region aimed specifically at training Inter-American Defenders. The beneficiary groups acknowledged that they have gained a better understanding of the Inter-American Human Rights system at the regional and national level and that their capacity to litigate before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, an increasingly specialized and complex process, had qualitatively improved.
Evaluation Date
January 2013