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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Somali Media Capacity for Democracy and Human Rights

Additional guidance from a partner organization would probably have helped the grantee make better use of its members’ energy and commitment to engage in advocacy on matters of rights and policy. The project would have benefited from strategic advice. The grantee lacked project management capacity, time and inclination to consider "big picture" policy and strategic issues. The grantee to some extent anticipated its own weakness by suggesting in the project document that an Advisory Committee including UN representatives would be appointed to help it implement the project. Regrettably, the committee did not get established, partly because grantee did not follow up on the idea.
Project Partner
National Union of Somali Journalists
Project Description
The project aimed strengthened the capacity of the Somali media to implement principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights by providing professional training to Somali journalists across the country, focusing on ethics and good journalistic practices, and holding workshops on good governance and human rights. The use of training sessions and workshops was appropriate to address the issue of journalists’ skills development. Creation of a media centre was also useful in helping journalists to do their work. However, the project's planned activities were not sufficient to address all its objectives. The number of participating journalists was on target, as was the ratio of women participants (30%). This is a very significant achievement, considering the prevalence of armed violence and high levels of political instability in many parts of Somalia during the project period. Significantly, the project benefited about half of Somalia’s journalists. On the other hand, the failure to address other stakeholders - government, editors, and publishers - reduced the likelihood of positive changes. However, the very fact that the project took place has to be seen as an achievement in its own right.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

The training content and methodology was designed in close collaboration with the beneficiaries. This approach resulted in the training being relevant and effective.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

Following the project many young leaders and managers of grassroots organisations who were trained are now participating actively in local and provincial government bodies. These participants have disseminated the training and awareness-raising material to other members of the indigenous and African-descendant movements.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

The project helped to strengthen the democratisation process among indigenous and Afro-descendant groups in Ecuador. This was in keeping with the partner organisations’ strategic options and institutional path, and was not limited to this specific intervention. The project’s support has proven very significant for the grantee’s partners in terms of the implementation of their strategies and the strengthening of the capacities of their managers.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

The target groups reported positive benefits from the project in terms of professional development and have succeeded in integrating the tools and approaches used in the project to make their political actions more effective.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

If a project is managed remotely and implemented by an organisation that is not present in the country, there should be a capacity assessment to ensure that there is sufficient support provided to local partners both in terms of day to day monitoring and evaluation but also in terms of long term institution building.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

To ensure the continuity and consolidation of skills gained from the training, the project’s School for Leadership and Political Influence should be institutionalised by formalising the agreements that were made temporarily with local universities.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador

Although the project succeeded in achieving male-female parity during the training, the participation of women and young women in political life in Ecuador should be further strengthened. This is a key requirement for the indigenous movement, which has shown a willingness to develop specific training programmes for women on local participation, the practice of civic responsibility, and access to socio-economic and political rights.
Project Partner
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce local governance by helping to strengthen democratic practices among the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations of Ecuador. The project’s key components comprised of training for young leaders from the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities in leadership techniques and political influence; activities to raise the awareness and visibility of the target audience; institutional strengthening of the partner organisations and the creation of opportunities for political dialogue. Ecuador introduced a new constitution in 2008, which focused on improving the living conditions of vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups, fighting poverty and the promotion of sustainable human development. The decision to focus the project on young leaders, including a fair representation of young women, who had not previously had the chance to learn about and practice their civic responsibility, also proved to be relevant to the political context of renewal in the country.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Democracy for Women’s Rights in Sindh, Pakistan

An especially important impact of the project was that it encouraged a large number of women to obtain national identity cards, a potentially life-changing event for many.  During the 2010 floods in this area there had been a general awareness raising of the rights associated with identity cards but the project converted this general knowledge into a concrete entitlement to public relief.
Project Partner
Aasthan Latif Welfare Society
Project Description
The project’s objective was to enhance the quality of rural women’s political participation by raising their awareness of fundamental rights; the advantages of democracy and the importance of participation. The grantee aimed to mobilize and motivate rural women to actively participate in political life, and to organize them to take collective efforts on their own behalf.  Activities were targeted at both women and men in 680 communities in Sindh Province, Pakistan, and included data collection, participatory meetings, extensive media campaigns and social gatherings to stimulate community discussion, and the organization of local groups to promote and protect women’s rights. The project was relevant, given the fact that democratic participation in Pakistan, especially of women, was low. Underlying causes included the male-dominated social system, low awareness of fundamental freedoms and democratic rights, and a general lack of confidence in democratic processes.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Democracy for Women’s Rights in Sindh, Pakistan

A positive factor for the sustainability of the project was the established track record of the grantee in the target communities. The grantee’s familiarity with local culture and institutions, its position of trust in communities, and its expertise all contributed to project success. The NGO has also proven its ability to attract funding.
Project Partner
Aasthan Latif Welfare Society
Project Description
The project’s objective was to enhance the quality of rural women’s political participation by raising their awareness of fundamental rights; the advantages of democracy and the importance of participation. The grantee aimed to mobilize and motivate rural women to actively participate in political life, and to organize them to take collective efforts on their own behalf.  Activities were targeted at both women and men in 680 communities in Sindh Province, Pakistan, and included data collection, participatory meetings, extensive media campaigns and social gatherings to stimulate community discussion, and the organization of local groups to promote and protect women’s rights. The project was relevant, given the fact that democratic participation in Pakistan, especially of women, was low. Underlying causes included the male-dominated social system, low awareness of fundamental freedoms and democratic rights, and a general lack of confidence in democratic processes.
Evaluation Date
October 2011