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Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The grantee had good Google analytical reports on the use of project website. These show that it received more than 18,000 visitors to date and has uploaded more than 1,400 pages. Average time on site is about two minutes. Almost all of the visits originate in Armenia (91 percent) although it is difficult to determine how many visits came from the regions versus the city as most of the internet access from the regions is reportedly made through mobile devices that are registered in Yerevan. The majority of these visits originated through social media channels. The site is also used by the grantee to post the work of its Yerevan students and they access it frequently in trainings to show examples of products.
Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014