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Lesson Learned: Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia

Without the team’s emergency management skills that have been developed throughout the decades of work at the national and regional levels as epidemiologists, toxicologists, and water and hygiene experts, as well as the donor’s flexibility, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Nagorno Karabakh the project would not have reached its objective and improved the daily lives of the target population. While the staff’s professional and results-oriented performance and UNDEF’s flexible approach allowed to not only deliver the intended outputs but also extend the project’s geographical and demographical scopes, it is generally important to consider various internal and external risk factors as part of a risk mitigation and emergency response strategy to ensure the full achievement of the project’s objective.
Project Partner
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO
Project Description
The project aims to contribute to strategies regarding the sustainable management of natural water resources in the Ararat Valley through enhancement of women’s groups that supply oversight and equity in community water and sanitation resources. Three groups will be interlinked in their actions to facilitate discussion on tariff compensation; monitor the participation of oversight activities on irrigation; and implement four pilot projects at the community level. Pilot projects will identify community-based participatory approaches to decision-making involving women to improve access and management of water resources.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Enabling Women to Participate in Sustainable Water Management in Armenia

In transitioning societies with the control and accountability mechanisms under development having tangible assets delivered, strategic position-holders interested, and locally recognized agents of change with multiplication potential involved are important to ensure the target population’s immediate interest, as well as the longer-term sense of ownership to be developed and the sustainability of the project to be achieved. Whenever possible, adding the beneficiary financial contribution element, such as community funds, can help in enhancing the sense of ownership and accountability for public expenditures and improving processes for public consultation in development planning.
Project Partner
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment NGO
Project Description
The project aims to contribute to strategies regarding the sustainable management of natural water resources in the Ararat Valley through enhancement of women’s groups that supply oversight and equity in community water and sanitation resources. Three groups will be interlinked in their actions to facilitate discussion on tariff compensation; monitor the participation of oversight activities on irrigation; and implement four pilot projects at the community level. Pilot projects will identify community-based participatory approaches to decision-making involving women to improve access and management of water resources.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The biggest impact is likely with the core youth in Armenia whose work was featured by the grantee in the different exhibitions, and uploaded to the website and/or You Tube. This gave them a feeling of accomplishment and empowerment.

Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014

Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The grantee had good Google analytical reports on the use of project website. These show that it received more than 18,000 visitors to date and has uploaded more than 1,400 pages. Average time on site is about two minutes. Almost all of the visits originate in Armenia (91 percent) although it is difficult to determine how many visits came from the regions versus the city as most of the internet access from the regions is reportedly made through mobile devices that are registered in Yerevan. The majority of these visits originated through social media channels. The site is also used by the grantee to post the work of its Yerevan students and they access it frequently in trainings to show examples of products.
Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014

Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The grantee paid for the transport costs for children from outlying villages and towns to come to the central locations for the workshops. This allowed for the project to reach youth beyond those in the regional centers. This was an efficient way to reach youth in other areas of Armenia for a Yerevan-based organization. There was positive change in places by the youth asking questions about issues and taking photos and films of it. Many rural villages are small and these types of activities are not usual and would have been noticed.
Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014

Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The project lost relevance in implementation to achieving its development objectives as it focused on media skills and products and did not directly address the issues of youth participation, rights or democratization issues in Armenia. Although some youth showed full ownership and were substantially integrated into the project activities, others were not due to the intermittent nature of the contact. The grantee should increase focus on developing the links between skills training and producing media products and the democratic development outcomes sought.

Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014

Lesson Learned: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia

The grantee did not decentralize its manner of implementation or develop synergies with potential local partners and youth efforts which could have increased project efficiencies and added value to the project. The grantee implemented all of the trainings itself, using its existing staff and volunteers, some of whom they were able to hire then under the project as almost full-time tutors. There were no programmatic partnerships evident with local organizations or media outlets in the different regions which could have facilitated the grantee’s work and provided for continuity of effort with the youth when the grantee was not present or which could have helped to develop the links between the youth and their media products and the higher level democratic outcomes sought.
Project Partner
Manana Youth Educational Cultural Center
Project Description
The project sought to empower youth and increase their civic participation and the building of a more democratic society through the development of their media skills. Its intended outcomes were to: 1) increase civic and media literacy among regional youth; and, 2) increase the participation of youth in information creation, production and distribution. Its activities intended to 1) increase the capacity of 300 youth in media and journalism through workshops, mentoring and peer teaching; 2) use media as a tool for empowerment by combining social media with professional journalism to strengthen the voice of participating youth; and, 3) connect the youth through a young reporters’ network to organize joint projects and serve as role models.
Evaluation Date
December 2014