Lesson Learned: Human Rights Education for the Police
Although the line authority for higher education in Kazakhstan did not veto the objectives nor the timeline for activities during the project's initial consultations, whether human rights training will become a mandatory discipline for Kazakhstan's police academies was still vague at the time of the evaluation. The grantee should have maintained an ongoing communication and coordination with the Ministry of Education to secure its approval.
Project Name
Project Partner
Kazakh International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law
Project Description
Aiming to improve human rights protection of citizens in Kazakhstan, the project developed a human rights education course for introduction into the curricula of Kazakh institutions training future police officers. The project involved training staff involved in educating police recruits. Outputs aimed to ensure that graduates from this human rights training programme exercise their functions taking into account international human rights standards. However, the project's ultimate impact - the mandatory introduction of human rights training into the police academies' curriculum - remained unachieved.
Evaluation Date
May 2012