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Lesson Learned: Civic education and empowerment for more women in leadership, from villages to parliament in Fiji

One of the main project impacts was to get a significant number of women and the vulnerable population to go to vote. Rural women gained a better understanding of the importance of participating in the elections and young sex workers and street women who had never been involved in electoral events, got registered and went to vote.
Project Partner
National Council of Women Fiji
Project Description
The project aimed to increase women’s representation in public office as part of wider support for women’s representation in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project strategy was structured around three expected outcomes: increased awareness and knowledge of civic education principles among potential women leaders in Fiji; increased capacity of potential women leaders for active participation in civil leadership within both parliament and administrative boards and councils in Fiji and increased awareness within the broader community of the importance of the involvement of women in political processes and civic leadership in Fiji. The project had some success, in particular in training marginal women who are usually excluded from mainstream education and in working with church groups and political parties from across the political spectrum. Implementation, however, was marred by a number of administrative and management shortcomings including a lack of SMART indicators and irregular communication. In addition, the project encountered a number of external challenges including political tensions that generated delays in implementation and the tropical cyclone in February 2016 that left homeless ten thousands of people.
Evaluation Date
July 2016