Water and sanitation for all: for a strong and heard civil society in West Africa
Lesson Learned: Water and sanitation for all: for a strong and heard civil society in West Africa
The project achieved genuine added value, despite the risks inherent to activities thinly spread across eight countries. Project management was good, the grantee’s management team was committed and effective, as demonstrated by the level of satisfaction with management expressed by participating platforms’ representatives.
Project Partner
Secrétariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvernementales
Project Description
The general objective of the project was to reinforce the voice and influence of civil society in West and Central Africa to improve access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). While the project addressed clearly defined needs for reinforcing capacity of WASH platforms and the platforms’ presence in consultation processes, its design did not sufficiently emphasize the needs for organizational capacity building, gender concerns in the consultation processes, and exchanges of information among participating platforms on issues of lobbying strategy. Achievements were adequate, especially in view of the vast geographical area covered by the project and the fact that the budgets devolved to each country were relatively limited. In terms of direct impact the project contributed to making attitudes within civil society organizations evolve towards a greater understanding of WASH access as a human right.
Evaluation Date
April 2016
Lesson Learned: Water and sanitation for all: for a strong and heard civil society in West Africa
Project achievements were positive; especially in view of the vast geographical area covered by the project and the fact that the budgets devolved to each country were relatively limited Some of the implementing partners took innovative approaches as they knew their efforts could not be compensated financially.
Project Partner
Secrétariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvernementales
Project Description
The general objective of the project was to reinforce the voice and influence of civil society in West and Central Africa to improve access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). While the project addressed clearly defined needs for reinforcing capacity of WASH platforms and the platforms’ presence in consultation processes, its design did not sufficiently emphasize the needs for organizational capacity building, gender concerns in the consultation processes, and exchanges of information among participating platforms on issues of lobbying strategy. Achievements were adequate, especially in view of the vast geographical area covered by the project and the fact that the budgets devolved to each country were relatively limited. In terms of direct impact the project contributed to making attitudes within civil society organizations evolve towards a greater understanding of WASH access as a human right.
Evaluation Date
April 2016
Lesson Learned: Water and sanitation for all: for a strong and heard civil society in West Africa
Several platform representatives noted that the UNDEF project led to enhancing their professional skills across the region. The capacity building also helped enhance platforms’ resilience and technical capacity and also their capacity to attract the attention of other development actors, including future donors. Enhanced technical capabilities generate research and strategy development capacity, which should be directed towards the elaboration of future projects in order to reinforce sustainability and credibility vis-à-vis government authorities and potential donors.
Project Partner
Secrétariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvernementales
Project Description
The general objective of the project was to reinforce the voice and influence of civil society in West and Central Africa to improve access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). While the project addressed clearly defined needs for reinforcing capacity of WASH platforms and the platforms’ presence in consultation processes, its design did not sufficiently emphasize the needs for organizational capacity building, gender concerns in the consultation processes, and exchanges of information among participating platforms on issues of lobbying strategy. Achievements were adequate, especially in view of the vast geographical area covered by the project and the fact that the budgets devolved to each country were relatively limited. In terms of direct impact the project contributed to making attitudes within civil society organizations evolve towards a greater understanding of WASH access as a human right.
Evaluation Date
April 2016
Lesson Learned: Water and sanitation for all: for a strong and heard civil society in West Africa
Minor adjustments to project design can reinforce effectiveness – including for example the use of social networks to share information, as well as work with community radios. The project’s effectiveness varied notably between countries, as a result of both external and internal factors, such as governments’ degree of openness to dialogue with NGOs on WASH issues and the management skills of platform leaders.
Project Partner
Secrétariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvernementales
Project Description
The general objective of the project was to reinforce the voice and influence of civil society in West and Central Africa to improve access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH). While the project addressed clearly defined needs for reinforcing capacity of WASH platforms and the platforms’ presence in consultation processes, its design did not sufficiently emphasize the needs for organizational capacity building, gender concerns in the consultation processes, and exchanges of information among participating platforms on issues of lobbying strategy. Achievements were adequate, especially in view of the vast geographical area covered by the project and the fact that the budgets devolved to each country were relatively limited. In terms of direct impact the project contributed to making attitudes within civil society organizations evolve towards a greater understanding of WASH access as a human right.
Evaluation Date
April 2016