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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and Peace Agenda for Journalists in Colombia (Colombia)

When implementing projects with multiple activities combining logistical, analytical and presentational challenges, strong co-ordination and synchronization mechanisms can ensure effective delivery and flexibility.
Project Partner
Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa/Press Freedom Foundation
Project Description
The project “Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and a Peace Agenda for Journalists in a post-conflict Colombia” was implemented by the Foundation for the Freedom of the Press (Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa, FLIP) from 1 December 2014 to 30 November 2016. The overall development goal of the project was to create an agenda where the right to freedom of expression can be fully realized and to build a strong media network that can advocate in a post-conflict Colombia without retaliation or restriction. The project coincided with the culmination of the peace negotiations in Havana between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC), with the Final Peace Agreement ratified in November 2016.  The project had three outcomes: increased participation of Colombian journalists and civil society in an open, plural and democratic debate about the challenges and the role of media in a post-conflict peace time Colombia;increased awareness among the Government, FARC and civil society of the impact conflict has had on the media’s ability to exercise the freedom of expression; and increased understanding among journalists in conflict zones on thematic areas related to their work.  The project aimed at reaching the following two main groups of beneficiaries: journalists operating in conflict areas2 who would be actively engaged in the process of developing an Agenda for the Freedom of the Press and Peace; and other journalists with online access (through FLIP’s website) to documented resources/tools
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Monitoring and Influencing the Central Budget by Civic Empowerment

Overall, the project demonstrated a commendable ability to adjust and adapt its plans as circumstances changed and new challenges emerged. However, adding new elements to an already multi-facetted project gave it an open-endedness and lack of completeness, particularly in its efforts to support civil society capacity development.
Project Partner
Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations at local level to influence the government budget and expenditure process, with particular emphasis on the social sector. The initiative took place in a governance environment where there is no tradition of using the budget as a means of holding the government accountable, at national or local levels, even in the Parliament. This project represents one component of the grantee’s broader effort to draw public and media attention to the importance of budget-making, while building the capacity of civil society to engage with government on budget matters, thus enhancing public accountability. The emphasis on the budget for the social sector was particularly relevant as a step towards drawing attention to, and seeking to improve, the situation of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Increasingly, the responsibility for administration of the social sector budget, including health and education, as well as social protection, rests with the municipalities. The selection of the Urban Councils and Women’s Assemblies as the focus for strengthening the role of civil society in monitoring the performance of municipal government was a relevant and appropriate choice, given the project objectives.
Evaluation Date
February 2012