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Lesson Learned: Promoting the representation of Malagasy Women in Political and Public Affairs

The fact that most of the activities were implemented in a centralized fashion in the capital of Madagascar rather than in the target regions meant that information did not cascade beyond the direct beneficiaries. While 78 per cent of voters live in rural areas, there were no real efforts to relay information to communities in order to bring about a change in attitude.
Project Partner
Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa
Project Description
The global objective of the project was to promote inclusive democracy as a key component for the country to emerge from political crisis and to set the ground for stable governance. It targeted two groups; the participants in formal politics which included women candidates and elected representatives, institutions and political parties and more general, the wider public. Specifically, the project aimed to increase the priority of gender issues and the number of women representatives in policy-making. It also aimed to raise awareness and acceptance women participating as candidates and voters in public and political affairs. The grantee’s intervention strategy relied on using existing Malagasy women’s associations and networks in order to push for the fulfilment of commitments made under international and regional instruments ratified by Madagascar, in particular a Protocol of the Southern African Development Community which had a parity goal of 50 per cent in elected positions. In a context marked by recurrent political crises, the project contributed in a relevant way to address the socio-political burdens that prevent women from participating as citizens and decision-makers.
Evaluation Date
February 2015

Lesson Learned: Advancing the rights of women in the West Bank periphery, Palestine

The project’s focus was unusual as it specifically focused on urban planning as a tool for the empowerment of women within their communities and the labour market in Palestine. This innovative approach to equipping women with skills and understanding that gave them a comparative advantage – particularly in forums where they and the voices of women in general are traditionally under-represented such as local government bodies – was highly relevant.
Project Partner
International Peace and Cooperation Centre
Project Description
The objective of the project was to promote social change and empower women in the West Bank to increase their participation within local governance, specifically in urban and environmental planning at the level of local councils. The project also aimed to increase public awareness and support for women’s participation in local governance and urban and environmental planning. The project was implemented in the north, middle and south of the West Bank, focusing on zones where the Israeli authorities have control of land use. Upskilling local councils through the training of women - both elected and aspiring to election - was particularly relevant as it filled a specific and significant need to developing community governance in the most challenging areas of the West Bank.
Evaluation Date
February 2015

Lesson Learned: Representation and political participation of five urban indigenous populations in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

The project had important sustainability components. The grantee’s track record and competence in fighting for respect for the rights of indigenous peoples, especially in urban environments, have given it credibility in the eyes of its public and private stakeholders.
Project Partner
Apoyo Para el Campesino - indígena del Oriente Boliviano
Evaluation Date
June 2014