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Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

Several participants in seminars and representatives of project implementing partners noted weaknesses that hampered the project’s effectiveness. The project design did not provide for an explicit lobbying and advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators on the representation of women in the media in West Africa. The implementing partners were not given enough organizational support.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

The grantee did not fulfil its commitment to recruit a full-time project coordinator, using its own funds.Whenever an applicant indicates preparedness to provide in-kind contributions as part of a project, UNDEF should require that this be expressed in a binding contract, and ensure that the contribution is actually delivered.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

At institutional, operational and political levels, the project has had little impact. To some extent, this was because there no legal proposal was made to adapt and enforce the Ethical and Deontological Code. The project also failed to create a pool of experts on economic and financial crimes. The training does not appear to have made a positive difference in encouraging inclusion of efficiency indicators in the fight against economic and financial crimes or improving the overall capacities of judges.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

The project’s effectiveness was also undermined by the lack of an effective decision-making arrangement between the grantee’s executive bureau and the office for project implementation. Because decisions could not be made on time, there were delays and changes to activities, and most of them were not completed. Lack of monitoring prevented any adjustment of the activities to achieve the expected results.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

The project was implemented without taking into consideration the full range of target beneficiaries. Contrary to the project’s plan, the National Trade Union of Judicial Agents, the National Bar Association and CSOs’ members who engage in similar activities were not involved in the project activities.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

The project’s overall conceptual framework did not properly connect the goal of re-establishing citizens’ trust in justice in Niger with the actual activities carried out since the activities were focused only on the magistrates themselves and not the wider population or local or traditional leaders.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening the capacities of Magistrates

This initiative was the first of its kind by the grantee in Niger. Although the grantee did not put in place measures to ensure sustainability, it successfully raised awareness among the magistracy of the necessity to communicate with stakeholders external to the judiciary. The project prompted beneficiaries to create the association of investigating judges in Niger (AMPN), whose mission it will be to provide similar, additional training for magistrates.
Project Partner
Syndicat Autonome des Magistrats du Niger
Project Description
The project organized training for judges and activities to create discussion among magistrates on the adoption of the Ethical and Deontological Code in Niger. The project objectives were: to improve the capacity of investigating judges, prosecuting attorneys and state prosecutors to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance; to increase the magistracy body’s knowledge of the Ethical and Deontological Code’s principles; and to establish a network of specialised judges to fight economic and financial crimes related to public finance. These thematic areas, such as the fight against economic and financial crimes and the raising of moral standards among the magistracy, were relevant for the country in terms of building judicial transparency. While the training and awareness-raising activities aimed to improve the functioning of justice and at improving ethics, the project’s design was not based on a thorough screening of available information about the main issues faced by judges, and also lacked a clear methodological approach.
Evaluation Date
July 2011