Lesson Learned: Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Civil Society Agenda
Monitoring the progress of SDG implementation in the Arab region (and other regions where there is a lack of reliable/accurate data and access to information) would be more effective through the use of qualitative rather than quantitiative information. Since national statistics are highly unreliable and access to information is limited, work on SDGs has been more successful when the focus is on qualitative policy reform or when the work is highly localized to areas where statistics are reliable and information is accessible.
Project Partner
Arab NGO Network for Development
Project Description
The project aims to advance dialogue among CSOs, political parties, academics and trade unions in the context of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. In order to achieve this, the projects plans to establish a permanent Arab Forum that will serve as a platform for raising awareness, enhancing engagement, producing publications and e-tools, and building the capacity of various stakeholders in monitoring the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Agenda.
Evaluation Date
December 2018