Lesson Learned: House of Initiatives by and for Syrian Women in Reyhanli
Lesson Learned: Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Civil Society Agenda
Monitoring the progress of SDG implementation in the Arab region (and other regions where there is a lack of reliable/accurate data and access to information) would be more effective through the use of qualitative rather than quantitiative information. Since national statistics are highly unreliable and access to information is limited, work on SDGs has been more successful when the focus is on qualitative policy reform or when the work is highly localized to areas where statistics are reliable and information is accessible.
Lesson Learned: Mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab Civil Society Agenda
For effective implementation of regional-level projects, it is imperative that the appropriate local partners and coordinating mechanisms are used. Organizations should consider selecting more than one partner organization for a country as one national partner may be ideal for some project activities but less so for others.
Lesson Learned: Addressing Ghana’s Governance Deficits through Constitutional Reform
The county/local level can be a more effective playing field on which to make improvements to government transparency and accountability. Not only are county/local level efforts more attainable than changes to national ones, but they often have more direct and bigger impacts on citizens lives on a day to day basis. This strategy can be made even more effective by making requests for these improvements in the run-up to election proccesses. These commitments can in turn be used to hold officials accountable when in office.
Lesson Learned: Using Access to Information to Foster Open Expenditure and Budget Transparency in Liberia
Newspaper coverage of a certain issue will have a wider reach than simply the number of copies printed. Stories about controversial or pertinent issues are often debated and discussed on community radio stations which have wider coverage.
Lesson Learned: Using Access to Information to Foster Open Expenditure and Budget Transparency in Liberia
Utilizing local structures can have both positive and negative effects. Although utilizing local structures can ensure that key project messages become ingrained in community debates and discussions, they may also serve to reinforce existing power structures (in this case, male-dominated decision-making spaces).
Lesson Learned: Using Access to Information to Foster Open Expenditure and Budget Transparency in Liberia
Community-based radio is a key tool for raising community level awareness and promoting citizen engagement in debates around issues of corruption due to high levels of local listenership. Organizations should take care to conduct community radio programs in local languages in order to ensure maximum engagement with the local community.
Lesson Learned: Towards a Rights-based Political Culture for the Political Participation of the Dominican Population of Haitian Origin
The use of a 'Theory of Change' (ToC) approach can help with looking beyond the logical framework to collectively construct a clear understanding of the transformations sought by the project.
The use of a ToC approach can help...:
1) Organizational awareness of the need to review and update the assumptions used in the initial project design
2) Simplify the nature of the context and determine whether the initially established conditions for change have been maintained
3) Redefine new strategies as needed
Lesson Learned: Bytes Without Borders in Morocco
Full scale mobilization and engagement of relevant stakeholders throughout all regions of the target country (Morocco) is crucial to project success. The creation of structures of coordination and new civil society networks has been a key factor in successful implementation of the project throughout Morocco.