Honduran Youth for Democracy
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
Through their involvement in the project, many parents, teachers, and journalists changed their views about the role of youth in society. Adults have increasingly supported their children’s participation in the various activities, encouraging in particular the involvement of young adults.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
The training educated beneficiaries about their rights, which helped strengthen youth leadership and led to the development of associative forums. The project’s training materials were outstanding, and they are being used in community replications of the training courses.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
The implementing partnership managed the project extremely well, linking strategic goals to operational decision making. They also continuously monitored how activities were being implemented. The grantee and its partner’s prior experience in this region also ensured that the project was linked with other similar projects going on in the same area.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
The project raised many educational expectations and employment demands among youth and communities in Honduras. These demands could be addressed in forums for social dialogue between civil society and municipal authorities.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
The project provided new opportunities for youth to engage in political advocacy and participate more in public life. The drafting of public agendas and policies helped the adult population discover and appreciate young people’s potential. A more in-depth analysis of risk factors would have fostered greater openness and buy-in on the part of the authorities and hence could have yielded better results from political advocacy.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014
Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy
The project created structures that could be both sustainable and replicable in other communities, however, they must still consolidate their position and strengthen their operating capacity to ensure continuity and maximize their linkage and influence on local policy. A strategy for strengthening the project’s youth networks and the Southern Youth Movement needs to be put in place that includes technical assistance for creating bylaws, bolstering strategic, administrative, and financial capacities, and offering advice and assistance to secure funding and logistical support.
Project Name
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives.
The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014