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Lesson Learned: Honduran Youth for Democracy

The project provided new opportunities for youth to engage in political advocacy and participate more in public life. The drafting of public agendas and policies helped the adult population discover and appreciate young people’s potential. A more in-depth analysis of risk factors would have fostered greater openness and buy-in on the part of the authorities and hence could have yielded better results from political advocacy.
Project Partner
ProgettoMondo Movimento Laici America Latina
Project Description
The objective of the project was to improve the social and political participation of youth. In order to do this the grantee created and strengthened youth organizations to develop local programmes for the democratic participation of youth in two municipalities. The project also aimed to strengthen existing Municipal Youth Commissions and Municipal Youth Networks, and to support the drafting and approval of their municipal youth policies. The project also intended to help the municipal youth organizations and regional youth networks to obtain authorization to promote youth participation in social initiatives. The project brought the issue of youth rights and political advocacy to the fore with a gender-equity and social-inclusion approach. This approach addressed the needs of the beneficiary population, empowered youth organizations and networks and improved the quality of young people’s social and political participation at the local level. The participatory drafting of public agendas and policies in the two municipalities of has furthered social and political action among youth.
Evaluation Date
February 2014

Lesson Learned: Promoting democratic and human rights values among Rwandan youth

The grantee used an explicit strategy to promote human rights concerns with youth which it called “internal influence”. This consisted of conducting non-public advocacy, so as to avoid antagonizing the authorities by airing concerns openly.
Project Partner
Never Again Rwanda
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to empower Rwandan youth to play an active role in the democratic process and good governance of their country, and to understand and stand up for human rights to further nation-building processes. The project targeted 7,000 youth members of Never Again Rwanda (NAR) clubs and associations to make them “ambassadors of change”. The targeted youth were to “reach out” to other young people and the general public through “knowledge and skills sharing and advocacy initiatives and drives”. The key activities of the project were to: train youth on human rights and advocacy skills; hold debates and theatre shows on human rights and democracy; and support the trained youth to play a role in democratic processes and good governance. The project was generally well designed in that it took into account the sensitive socio-political context of Rwanda under its post-genocide government.
Evaluation Date
February 2014

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Citizenship and Consolidation of Democracy in Chad

One of the positive effects of the project was its contribution to reducing mistrust towards authorities - governors, other local authorities, political parties. Some citizens for the first time made direct contact with their representatives so as to involve them in project activities.
Project Partner
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Project Description
The project’s objective was to build the capacity at the grassroots level regarding democracy. This objective was pursued through training the population about citizen rights and freedoms, including establishing a permanent observatory for national and local electoral consultations, and the communication of information supporting the construction of a democratic state. The intervention directly targeted vulnerable groups, farmers (both women and men); and on a wider level also reached out to development actors, trainers of trainers and local facilitators; and employees of local, administrative and communal authorities. The project aimed to provide appropriate responses to the needs and difficulties faced by target beneficiary groups - women and vulnerable groups who were unable to take part in the electoral process. The method and the content of the training sessions as well as the message communicated via the educational media adopted were consistent with the project's objectives. It was also in line with the priorities set out in the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Evaluation Date
February 2011