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Strengthening women’s empowerment in municipal government


Lesson Learned: Strengthening women’s empowerment in municipal government

The overall situation regarding women’s rights in Malaysia was largely unchanged by the project. However, if the project had not occurred, it is likely that the space to discuss Muslim women’s rights would have closed further as grantee activities kept these issues in the public arena. It also seems likely that this project provided a safe space for women to discuss their problems and to find strength in collective voice. The project also gave some of the women’s groups, pro-reform media and interested Members of Parliament (MPs) the language and justifications they could use to support Muslim Family Law reform when that issue arose.

Project Partner
International Women’s Development Agency
Project Description
The project objective overall was on empowering women in eight Pacific Islands. Initially the project was to concentrate on Fiji, but after a number of specific challenges including floods, political instability and the termination of elected councilors in Fiji and the country’s suspension from the Commonwealth, the project had to be redesigned. The focus shifted from elected representatives at municipal level to women working at management and service-delivery levels in local government. The project also moved to become more regional, involving women in local government across the Pacific Islands. The project included gender awareness training, Training of Trainers (ToT) for women working in local government, the creation of a Women in Local Government network and website, multimedia outreach to the community to promote understanding of local government and the crucial role women play in service delivery, and a research and publication component. Although redesign was forced onto project holders by the political climate, it turned out that the local government approach and the regional nature of the project were its major strengths.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening women’s empowerment in municipal government

The women in the project who worked in local government stated that the training had significant impact on them and that membership of the network helped them integrate what they had learned – and continued to learn - into their daily work.
At an individual level, women across the Pacific provided examples of follow-up training, briefings and actions they are taking regularly to promote understanding of the role of women in local government.
Project Partner
International Women’s Development Agency
Project Description
The project objective overall was on empowering women in eight Pacific Islands. Initially the project was to concentrate on Fiji, but after a number of specific challenges including floods, political instability and the termination of elected councilors in Fiji and the country’s suspension from the Commonwealth, the project had to be redesigned. The focus shifted from elected representatives at municipal level to women working at management and service-delivery levels in local government. The project also moved to become more regional, involving women in local government across the Pacific Islands. The project included gender awareness training, Training of Trainers (ToT) for women working in local government, the creation of a Women in Local Government network and website, multimedia outreach to the community to promote understanding of local government and the crucial role women play in service delivery, and a research and publication component. Although redesign was forced onto project holders by the political climate, it turned out that the local government approach and the regional nature of the project were its major strengths.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening women’s empowerment in municipal government

The partnership was efficient and complementary. Each partner worked to its strengths and there was considerable capacity building among the partners. The intelligent allocation of roles and responsibilities between partners resulted in greater project efficiency by playing to the strengths of each partner.
Project Partner
International Women’s Development Agency
Project Description
The project objective overall was on empowering women in eight Pacific Islands. Initially the project was to concentrate on Fiji, but after a number of specific challenges including floods, political instability and the termination of elected councilors in Fiji and the country’s suspension from the Commonwealth, the project had to be redesigned. The focus shifted from elected representatives at municipal level to women working at management and service-delivery levels in local government. The project also moved to become more regional, involving women in local government across the Pacific Islands. The project included gender awareness training, Training of Trainers (ToT) for women working in local government, the creation of a Women in Local Government network and website, multimedia outreach to the community to promote understanding of local government and the crucial role women play in service delivery, and a research and publication component. Although redesign was forced onto project holders by the political climate, it turned out that the local government approach and the regional nature of the project were its major strengths.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening women’s empowerment in municipal government

Consultation among implementing partners at project design stage and application of a less theoretical approach to project design might have mitigated the external risks threatening the delivery of the project.
It is vital to assess external risks and develop risk management plans for all projects at design stage. Depending on location, consider: the potential for natural disaster; political change, instability or hurdles; the capacity of partner organizations; and possible access restrictions on intended participants.
Project Partner
International Women’s Development Agency
Project Description
The project objective overall was on empowering women in eight Pacific Islands. Initially the project was to concentrate on Fiji, but after a number of specific challenges including floods, political instability and the termination of elected councilors in Fiji and the country’s suspension from the Commonwealth, the project had to be redesigned. The focus shifted from elected representatives at municipal level to women working at management and service-delivery levels in local government. The project also moved to become more regional, involving women in local government across the Pacific Islands. The project included gender awareness training, Training of Trainers (ToT) for women working in local government, the creation of a Women in Local Government network and website, multimedia outreach to the community to promote understanding of local government and the crucial role women play in service delivery, and a research and publication component. Although redesign was forced onto project holders by the political climate, it turned out that the local government approach and the regional nature of the project were its major strengths.
Evaluation Date
October 2011