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Lesson Learned: Empowerment of Women Citizens in Turkey

Eighty per cent of the trainees completed the Training of Trainers course and were certified as trainers, but it must be noted that the only requirement for certification was the completion of the course. In other words, there was little quality control either at entry, or on completion of the course.
Project Partner
Association for Supporting and Training of Women Candidates
Project Description
The project aimed to raise women’s awareness of their rights as citizens, while also increasing the participation and representation of women in political life. To this end, the project aimed to increase the capacity of selected women’s NGOs in all seven regions of the country. The grantee developed a training-of-trainers’ (ToT) manual and a training guide; organized and delivered a ToT course in 14 centres, two in each region of the country; and encouraged the 350 graduates of the ToT program to each deliver training courses themselves, utilizing the manual and training guide. Deep gender disparities continued to exist in Turkish social and economic life, and many women were quite unaware of their rights as citizens. The project was directly relevant to this problem, as it sought to enhance the capacity of women activists, who were engaged with improving the lives of other women, by enhancing their knowledge of the concepts of gender equality, of women’s rights as citizens, and of practical measures which might be taken to enable women to defend themselves against injustice.
Evaluation Date
February 2012

Lesson Learned: Governance and Transparency through Radio in Southern Africa

An example of poor integration across the project components concerns was the baseline research undertaken in the four participating countries. This baseline report did not inform the planning and needs assessment work done at the project sites.
Project Partner
Panos Southern Africa
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance dialogue between poor citizens across the Southern Africa region and policy-makers at local level. It also aimed to enhance the responsiveness and accountability of government institutions. To do this the project established Radio Listener Clubs (RLCs) and the produced interactive radio programming to bring citizens’ voices to the attention of a wider audience, and to bridge the gap between local decision-makers and poor rural and urban communities. Despite problems the project succeeded in producing and broadcasting a substantial set of programmes by both the community rural and urban radio stations. In at least three of the participating countries, the project increased awareness and knowledge of development issues and encouraged dialogue within communities to determine priorities for advocacy with local government. In Zambia the Project contributed in some way to increased engagement between the poor and local decision-makers in the rural target areas.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Women’s Leadership in Jamaica

The degree to which the project met its anticipated outcome of increased national awareness and action in support of the participation of women was hard to determine. The project did reach women beyond the project participants but, without baseline or post-project information, the extent of this reach was an unknown. Anecdotal information suggests there was some effect, most notable in the National Educational Council volunteers. But the cultural and social attitudes that prevent gender parity are deeply entrenched and it will take more than time and/or the quotas recommended by the grantee to achieve true gender equity.
Project Partner
Women's Resource and Outreach Centre
Project Description
The project aimed to address the under representation of women in decision making positions in Jamaica, particularly on the boards of private companies and public commissions. The project did this by: increasing the participation of women through training and awareness building and increasing the participation of women in leadership in community based organizations, including school boards, also through training and awareness building. It also sought to create a national conversation on the need to open spaces for women to participate in decision making. There was also a separate women’s leadership research activity undertaken in Trinidad and Tobago. Although women comprise more than 70% of university graduates in Jamaica, only 13% of parliamentarians are women and only 16% of the board positions in the private sector are filled by women. The project believed that by training 100 women it could make a strategic infusion of talented and enthusiastic women into the boardrooms, and transform their gender dynamics. The project met its main objective of increasing the number of qualified women trained and available for service on public commissions and private sector boards. Some of these women were already high profile leaders and board members, but most were entry and mid-professional women with leadership potential that still remained to be tapped.
Evaluation Date
September 2011

Lesson Learned: Cultivating Democratic Leaders from Marginalized Groups in Thailand

Before beginning on project design, ensure that issues that need to be addressed have been mapped comprehensively and a stocktaking of previous and ongoing projects or programmes with the same or similar focus. Carry out a stakeholder analysis of potential partners’ capacity and financial viability. Does an organization have a secure funding base or does it stumble from project to project seeking funds to stay afloat? If there are resourcing problems in a given area, or any group of NGOs, do not add to these by bringing in short-term funds without addressing the longer-term problem.
Project Partner
The Asia Foundation
Project Description
The project was designed to engage young people from marginalized populations in four regions of Thailand, to empower them to voice their needs, access their rights, participate in political processes, and improve their lives and communities. The grantee set out to create new leaders among young people to lead actions in the disenfranchised communities. While the project supported the implementing partners financially and to a lesser extent with expertise, it did not demonstrate significant added-value in the area of democratic development. The trainees were by and large already engaged in development work in their communities and, once the project ended, the partners and the young people continued as before. The project designers would have been more aware of this, and potentially had a chance to rethink the relevance of the design, if they had reviewed existing and earlier practice in this area, and had considered in more depth the way NGOs in the regions work and from where they get their funding. The project fell into the trap of becoming, essentially, a short-term provider of funds.
Evaluation Date
December 2010

Lesson Learned: Cultivating Democratic Leaders from Marginalized Groups in Thailand

The one potentially new element of the project – the participant survey – did not underpin the activities of the project participants; the issues actually addressed were those that have been the focus of actions in this region for some time and which are the focus of other local projects. Trainees were already engaged in development work in their communities and, once the project ended, continued as before. The project designers would have been more aware of this if they had reviewed existing and earlier practice in this area, and had considered in more depth the way NGOs in the regions work and their funding sources.
Project Partner
The Asia Foundation
Project Description
The project was designed to engage young people from marginalized populations in four regions of Thailand, to empower them to voice their needs, access their rights, participate in political processes, and improve their lives and communities. The grantee set out to create new leaders among young people to lead actions in the disenfranchised communities. While the project supported the implementing partners financially and to a lesser extent with expertise, it did not demonstrate significant added-value in the area of democratic development. The trainees were by and large already engaged in development work in their communities and, once the project ended, the partners and the young people continued as before. The project designers would have been more aware of this, and potentially had a chance to rethink the relevance of the design, if they had reviewed existing and earlier practice in this area, and had considered in more depth the way NGOs in the regions work and from where they get their funding. The project fell into the trap of becoming, essentially, a short-term provider of funds.
Evaluation Date
December 2010