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Lesson Learned: Building Democratic Spaces in Egypt

While members of a number of those groups listed as stakeholders – political parties, trade unions - and beneficiaries participated in project activities, no effort was made by the project team to engage with them on a continuing or consistent basis. The design of all activities should have included a process to enable participants to provide feedback on their experience.
Project Partner
The Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement
Project Description
The project aimed to bring together a diverse group of civil society organizations in Egypt and to work towards building a consensus among them on the principles and contents of a “democratic agenda”. It also sought to strengthen the knowledge base of those civil society groups committed to building a democratic society and state, while also enhancing public awareness of the need for, and character of, democracy. Instead of identifying a number of critical beneficiary and/or stakeholder groups and working with them throughout, the grantee worked with groups (Parliamentarians; Political Parties; Political and Social Movements; Trade Unions and Professional Syndicates; and, Youth Organizations, other civil society groups and the media) separately through one-off activities. The project then failed to adopt an approach to enable it to work systematically to bring these same groups together around a common agenda.
Evaluation Date
March 2011

Lesson Learned: Learning and Living Democracy in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The small proportion of the project budget devoted to the journalist’s trainings reduced the chances for attracting media attention.
Project Partner
Democracy and Human Rights Education Center CIVITAS
Project Description
The project identified institutional educational weaknesses and proposed pragmatic approaches to address them. Overall the project was a success. The following elements contributed to the quality of the strategy: an appropriate response to the complex political and social context in the country drawn from the NGO‟s long time experience; a sound assessment of the political context based on long term partnership with education ministries in Bosnia and a good understanding of the targeted audience needs, based on the grantee’s experience of certifying teachers and their involvement in official curricula content design taught in all public schools.
Evaluation Date
September 2010