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Lesson Learned: Empowering Vulnerable People through Internet: E-Learning Initiative for Young Migrant Workers in China

In developing future projects, in consultation with its partners and associates, the grantee should ensure that detailed guidelines are developed to ensure that partners and beneficiaries have a road map on: what to do; how to do it; with whom; where; when; and, how frequently.
Project Partner
ICO Institute for Social Agenda
Project Description
The project succeeded in meeting its targets in its final phase, including the development of 20 proposals and petitions by young migrant workers and CSOs working with them, concerning desired improvements in working and living conditions. Of these, eight described practical initiatives or small projects. Each of the eight was awarded a small grant to implement the plans proposed. While some students gained valuable experience, many of those involved lacked the commitment to taking an active role in support of the young migrant workers. Further, the role assigned to the students in “assisting young migrant workers using social media” was vague, and they lacked guidance on what to do and how to do it. In addition, the students, as well as the academic coordinators and the CSO representatives interviewed, all commented on the wide social gap between students and the young workers, which made communication difficult.
Evaluation Date
April 2015

Lesson Learned: Promoting the representation of Malagasy Women in Political and Public Affairs

The project’s impact on the public opinion in Madagascar was more fragmented, since media coverage was not very targeted and the journalists themselves displayed a lack of capacity and knowledge in terms of gender issues. It would be necessary to review the content of messages aimed, in order to present women’s participation and the inclusion of gender issues in politics not as a divisive act but rather as a social project aimed at increasing equality, enhancing the well-being of citizens, and above all applying the rule of law. These messages should be pushed by journalists who were trained in this area and should focus on the added value of women’s experiences and even more simply on their necessary contribution to the democratic debate.
Project Partner
Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa
Project Description
The global objective of the project was to promote inclusive democracy as a key component for the country to emerge from political crisis and to set the ground for stable governance. It targeted two groups; the participants in formal politics which included women candidates and elected representatives, institutions and political parties and more general, the wider public. Specifically, the project aimed to increase the priority of gender issues and the number of women representatives in policy-making. It also aimed to raise awareness and acceptance women participating as candidates and voters in public and political affairs. The grantee’s intervention strategy relied on using existing Malagasy women’s associations and networks in order to push for the fulfilment of commitments made under international and regional instruments ratified by Madagascar, in particular a Protocol of the Southern African Development Community which had a parity goal of 50 per cent in elected positions. In a context marked by recurrent political crises, the project contributed in a relevant way to address the socio-political burdens that prevent women from participating as citizens and decision-makers.
Evaluation Date
February 2015

Lesson Learned: Representation and political participation of five urban indigenous populations in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Especially effective was the traveling photo exhibition, “Being Indigenous in the City,” displayed in 19 cultural centers, public and private, and visited by more than 10,000 people. One thousand copies of the exhibition brochure were distributed, and the initiative was followed by the media. A second showing of the exhibition traveled to six municipalities in Chiquitianía.

Project Partner
Apoyo Para el Campesino - indígena del Oriente Boliviano
Evaluation Date
June 2014

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Advocacy Capacity of Civil Society in The Gambia

To raise awareness during NGO week in Gambia, NGOS organized exhibition stalls, panel discussions, and live radio broadcasts to explain how they contribute to improvements of basic service delivery. This led to many people who visited asking for more information about how to claim their rights and entitlements. One case involved a local woman, whose stall and contents were seized by the police, when she tried trading vegetables on an informal street market. Proving that she is a regular taxpayer and stating the fact that the town has no official marketplace for women to sell their items, she successfully reclaimed her produce and today still sells in the same place.


Project Partner
Concern Universal
Project Description
The project targeted the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) in the Gambia, and more specifically its 121 member NGOs (including the staff of some 60 NGOs) including over 2,000 members (community based organizations, religious and cultural bodies, youth organizations, trade unions and farmer associations). While the country has a plan for decentralization, the implementation of the plan has been incomplete. Civil society in the country has lacked advocacy capacity and communication channels to cooperate with regional and local level administrations so that decision making takes into account the most pressing needs of citizens.  The project attempted to increase the level of understanding between government and civil society about the positive effect that joint dialogue could have while aiming to increase the association of NGO members’ capacity to effectively engage with the government on issues of concern to civil society. The project in most cases achieved or exceeded the targeted outputs. Beneficiaries praised the usefulness of the advocacy strategy framework tool the project introduced. In addition, advocacy skills trainees confirmed that the knowledge they acquired serve their professional needs. In addition, the project’s communication forum effectively informed the public discussion about discrepancies between legal provisions and current policies.
Evaluation Date
December 2013

Lesson Learned: Participatory Rights of Physically Disabled Persons in Georgia

The grantee created an expectation among its target group – persons with disabilities in Georgia – that it would continue playing a key role in providing access to vocational education, but failed to secure continued financial support.
Project Partner
Qualification Center for Trainers
Project Description
The project undertook an advocacy campaign to support the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which was signed by the government of Georgia in 2009 but not ratified. The overall development goal of the campaign was to counter the social and economic exclusion of disabled people in Georgia. The project produced a number of media outputs - radio and TV broadcasts, information spots, and organized several events. These activities significantly improved the availability of information about disabled persons and contributed to a change in public perception. Given the magnitude of the needs of persons with disabilities and the of lack access to professional training, the project also included a pilot scheme for vocational education. This pilot led to the improvement of the living conditions and employment prospects for a first group of beneficiaries.
Evaluation Date
April 2013

Lesson Learned: Promoting Citizen’s Participation in the Constitutional Reform Process in Ghana

The grantee failed to communicate sufficiently about the need to slow down implementation and to extend the project’s duration, in order to await the publication of the Constitutional Review Commission’s recommendations and the response from the Government in its White Paper.
Project Partner
Institute of Economic Affairs
Project Description
The project facilitated the participation of marginalized and vulnerable groups of citizens in the constitutional reform process in Ghana. This process was initiated by the Ghanaian government when it established a Constitution Review Commission (CRC). The project aimed to consult the country’s marginalized populations on key constitutional issues and considered their recommendations in conjunction with the results of field surveys and thematic research papers. The project organized workshops with participants. On average 21 new relevant recommendations were made by each participant. This improved the quality of submissions - compared to the officially conducted CRC consultations – and prompted various Members of Parliament (MPs) to declare their support. Over 80% of the Constitution Review Commissions’ recommendations were informed by the project’s input, which demonstrates the impact the project had.
Evaluation Date
January 2013

Lesson Learned: Human Rights Education for the Police

Although the line authority for higher education in Kazakhstan did not veto the objectives nor the timeline for activities during the project's initial consultations, whether human rights training will become a mandatory discipline for Kazakhstan's police academies was still vague at the time of the evaluation. The grantee should have maintained an ongoing communication and coordination with the Ministry of Education to secure its approval.
Project Partner
Kazakh International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law
Project Description
Aiming to improve human rights protection of citizens in Kazakhstan, the project developed a human rights education course for introduction into the curricula of Kazakh institutions training future police officers. The project involved training staff involved in educating police recruits. Outputs aimed to ensure that graduates from this human rights training programme exercise their functions taking into account international human rights standards. However, the project's ultimate impact - the mandatory introduction of human rights training into the police academies' curriculum - remained unachieved.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Women in Politics in Mozambique

Project efficiency was undermined by the weak integration of management among the project partner organizations, and the limited organizational and managerial capacities of the provincial implementing agencies. There were also major human resource challenges which were not addressed satisfactorily. For these reasons and others, the deployment of human and financial resources was not always optimal in supporting the achievement of results.
Project Partner
Ibis Mozambique
Project Description
The project sought to address a gap in Mozambique’s political life - the low level of women’s participation - by focusing on enhancing the position of women elected representatives in Provincial and Municipal Assemblies, while also nurturing the constituencies of women at community level and bringing the two groups together. In focusing its operations in two Northern provinces, the two principal project implementing partners were able to draw on their prior experience of working there. Yet, despite the local knowledge available to the two partners, the project design failed to take adequate account of local characteristics and underestimated the risks to project implementation. The project strategy was built on some unwarrantable assumptions. Adjustments were made to planned operations, including a broadening of the beneficiary groups, to involve men as well as women, and recognition of the need to involve the Executive as well as the Assembly representatives in activities. Yet, despite this, initial design problems had a significant impact on the feasibility of achieving anticipated results within the project timeframe.
Evaluation Date
December 2011

Lesson Learned: Preparing Iraqi women as leaders, advocates, participants in the political field

The project’s communication via newspaper and website produced mixed results. The content for media communications needs to be relevant to the target audience(s).
Project Partner
Iraqi Civic Action Network
Project Description
The project aimed to prepare Iraqi women for full and equal participation in the democratic process, by equipping them with knowledge of their rights and by providing a practical set of skills to empower them use this knowledge politically. The grantee worked with existing NGOs that were members the Iraq Civic Action Network. Activities included Training of Trainers for NGO participants; internships for young women who were placed with the NGOs; knowledge-sharing workshops and civic forums organized by the trainees to reach out to a wider public, including decision makers and media; and the reinvigoration of a National Committee for the Political Participation of Iraqi Women.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Civil Society Across Borders to Develop Democracy

The extent to which cross-border ties between Ukraine and Moldova were maintained could have been enhanced by a better sustainability strategy to build the knowledge and experience sharing that took place as part of the project. The sustainability relies on the website. However the website of the project could have been better designed to become a forum for keeping in touch and fostering twinning arrangements.
Project Partner
Euclid Network
Project Description
The project’s goal was to increase the capacity of NGOs in Moldova and Ukraine to network among themselves to enhance their advocacy skills and to improve the functioning of existing mechanisms for engagement between civil society and governments. The project resulted in a range of concrete initiatives, both at the local level and at the level of improved NGO representation in national policy making. Concrete impacts ranged from promoting the participation of blind voters to making amendments to the new law on associations in Ukraine and the human rights action plan in Moldova.
Evaluation Date
August 2011