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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and Peace Agenda for Journalists in Colombia (Colombia)

When implementing projects with multiple activities combining logistical, analytical and presentational challenges, strong co-ordination and synchronization mechanisms can ensure effective delivery and flexibility.
Project Partner
Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa/Press Freedom Foundation
Project Description
The project “Strengthening Democracy through Freedom of Expression and a Peace Agenda for Journalists in a post-conflict Colombia” was implemented by the Foundation for the Freedom of the Press (Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa, FLIP) from 1 December 2014 to 30 November 2016. The overall development goal of the project was to create an agenda where the right to freedom of expression can be fully realized and to build a strong media network that can advocate in a post-conflict Colombia without retaliation or restriction. The project coincided with the culmination of the peace negotiations in Havana between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC), with the Final Peace Agreement ratified in November 2016.  The project had three outcomes: increased participation of Colombian journalists and civil society in an open, plural and democratic debate about the challenges and the role of media in a post-conflict peace time Colombia;increased awareness among the Government, FARC and civil society of the impact conflict has had on the media’s ability to exercise the freedom of expression; and increased understanding among journalists in conflict zones on thematic areas related to their work.  The project aimed at reaching the following two main groups of beneficiaries: journalists operating in conflict areas2 who would be actively engaged in the process of developing an Agenda for the Freedom of the Press and Peace; and other journalists with online access (through FLIP’s website) to documented resources/tools
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Initiative to Build Social Movements in Sierra Leone

The project lacked a sufficient analysis of the challenges to coordination among civil society and of CSOs’ views about the role of platforms nor did it include provisions to follow up the training with support for platforms, coaching for managers or encouragement of joint advocacy activities
Project Partner
Network Movement for Justice and Development
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen national civil society platforms to become more organized, cohesive, confident and effective to bring about social change in their communities. The expected outcomes were: well-coordinated, cohesive and properly managed civil society platforms that are inclusive and gender sensitive; visionary, committed and confident leadership steering these platforms and keeping them functional; a capacity building programme in place that facilitates the strengthening and sustained engagement of the civil society platforms. The project involved activities such as training on conflict transformation and organizational management skills; consultations within and amongst existing coordination platforms of civil society organizations (CSOs), as well as facilitated strategy sessions and retreats, and public meetings aimed at engaging with political decision-makers at national and provincial levels. The project, originally planned to last 24 months from 1st October 2012, was eventually implemented over 35 months, ending 31st August 2015, mainly as a result of the Ebola virus disease outbreak and subsequent crisis The project was relevant, in that it correctly identified the need for improved coordination and enhanced capacity within and among Sierra Leone civil society platforms. It was also relevant in that the training approach that was at the core of the project was well designed and met identified needs.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Civil Society and Developing Independent Media in Africa

The project was remarkably effective. A wide range of activities were implemented as foreseen in the original proposal, and sometimes beyond what was planned. There was significant work done towards enhancing coordination among street papers in the production and sharing of content, through the editorial coordination work undertaken by the editor of the Zambian paper.
Project Partner
International Network of Street Papers Foundation
Project Description
The project aimed to support six existing street papers in African cities as well as to establish a new paper in Lagos. The overall development goal was to support people selling newspapers to earn a living and at the same time fulfil a broader social need for independent information on social issues The project involved: sharing of stories among the participating papers, through a regional coordination unit in Zambia; training for vendors and journalists, through a regional training coordinator and with support from outside journalists; a feasibility study and establishment of the Lagos paper; and advocacy to the broader public through the regional news service.. The International Network of Street Papers Foundation – the umbrella group managing the coordination among papers – was in a position effectively to support the project by obtaining funding and by taking on project coordination and supervision tasks. These factors ensured the overall relevance of the project. The project’s achievements, in the face of complex logistical challenges, demonstrated that groups of committed, skilled civil society activists can achieve significant results, as the sections below will highlight. However, the project’s relevance was diminished by a number of design flaws. There was an imbalance between the objectives of the project – which concerned the development of media freedom and independent news, as well as empowerment of the poor – and the project activities, which were directed towards capacity building of the papers themselves and towards training.
Evaluation Date
March 2013

Lesson Learned: Democratizing governance for development: LDC civil society engagement

The value of the grantee as a coordinating body is not in dispute, however its members do not pay fees and it has no way to raise funds other than through projects submitted to donors.
Project Partner
LDC Watch
Project Description
The project was timed to coincide with UN processes related to follow-up of the outcome document of the Third UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC-III) in Brussels in 2001, known as the Brussels Programme of Action (BPoA) and preparations for the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs (LDC-IV) held in Istanbul in May 2011. The project aimed to build the capacity of civil society organizations in Least Developed Countries to mobilize and consolidate their energy, expertise and commitment to achieving quality inputs to the Comprehensive Review Summit in 2010, and strengthening democratic decision making in international development processes. It had three intended outcomes: Enhanced capacity of CSOs and CBOs; Increased awareness and coverage of LDC issues; Progress and setbacks on MDGs and BPoA reviewed. The project aimed to undertake activities in 20 countries: 13 in Africa, 2 in South Asia, 2 in South-East Asia and 3 in Pacific Island Countries (PICs). However planned activities changed throughout the project.
Evaluation Date
August 2012

Lesson Learned: Engaging Civil Society in a Democratic Election Process in Sudan, Bahrain, Tunisia and Jordan

There was no evidence that the project sought to coordinate with other donor-led initiatives in the democracy field. Such coordination would have to be initiated by the grantee. In the current context, Arab countries are enjoying a surplus of offered democracy support aid for community activism.
Project Partner
Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Centre
Project Description
The project aimed to strengthen electoral processes by focusing on election monitoring by independent civil society organizations. The project established a regional expert group on elections monitoring, carried out training sessions and provided election monitoring services. In Tunisia, the group established – the Arab Working Group on Elections Monitoring - carried out a limited number of trainings in the four countries, and engaged in elections monitoring in Tunisia. Because of some political challenges, not all of the activities planned in Bahrain, Sudan, and Jordan, were undertaken. In general, training and monitoring focused more on the quantity than the quality of monitoring, a strategy that can be defended but may pose problems for longer terms sustainability.
Evaluation Date
March 2011