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Lesson Learned: Pour une Diplomatie Non Gouvernementale

Participants in the project expressed strong satisfaction with the skills and confidence they had gained: "We have become more credible actors with enhanced political impact. Although it is too early to appreciate the direct effects, we are confident that we will see them soon.”
Project Partner
Coordination SUD
Project Description
The objective of the project was to strengthen national and regional platforms of civil society organizations and to increase their influence. The project was based on the strategy that civil society platforms should play an important role in national, regional, and international negotiations. The project aimed to democratize debates on globalization and to enhance the influence of national and regional platforms on public policy-making. The project goals were: to develop national and regional NGO platforms; to enhance CSO advocacy skills through six exercises in nongovernmental diplomacy; the launch of an International NGO Resource Center; and the institutionalization and consolidation of the International Forum of National NGO Platforms. The project worked with national NGO platforms in Brazil, Chile, Senegal and the USA as well as regional platforms based in West Africa, India and Central Africa.
Evaluation Date
March 2012

Lesson Learned: Appui à la participation politique et citoyenne de la femme dans le processus démocratique au Burundi

During the elections, Burundian civil society actors coordinated among themselves, to make their voice more credible and coherent when dealing with public authorities. However, the grantee isolated itself from the activities being undertaken by the platform of these CSOs, considerably weakening the relevance of the project as a whole.
Project Partner
Project Description
The goal of the project was to increase and strengthen political participation and citizenship among women within democratically elected institutions before, during, and after the election process of 2010. The underlying idea was to make use of this election period as a timeframe allowing for public debate in order to raise awareness among influential parties, such as the media and women leaders, of their rights in order to better know and to assert these rights by creating a National Forum.
Evaluation Date
November 2011

Lesson Learned: Prévention de la violence durant la période électorale de 2010

The grantee’s political neutrality created an image favourable towards sustainable peace in Burundi and has allowed the organization to position itself as a known and respected mediator in potential conflicts.
Project Partner
Association of Catholic Lawyers of Burundi
Project Description
The aim of the project was to build on the peace process in Burundi and consolidate democratic principles through peaceful elections by encouraging the population in three heavily war-affected provinces to vote in a reflected and enlightened manner and by further encouraging these populations to express their needs and aspirations in order to be included in the electoral programmes of the political parties.
Evaluation Date
November 2011

Lesson Learned: Democracy for Women’s Rights in Sindh, Pakistan

A positive factor for the sustainability of the project was the established track record of the grantee in the target communities. The grantee’s familiarity with local culture and institutions, its position of trust in communities, and its expertise all contributed to project success. The NGO has also proven its ability to attract funding.
Project Partner
Aasthan Latif Welfare Society
Project Description
The project’s objective was to enhance the quality of rural women’s political participation by raising their awareness of fundamental rights; the advantages of democracy and the importance of participation. The grantee aimed to mobilize and motivate rural women to actively participate in political life, and to organize them to take collective efforts on their own behalf.  Activities were targeted at both women and men in 680 communities in Sindh Province, Pakistan, and included data collection, participatory meetings, extensive media campaigns and social gatherings to stimulate community discussion, and the organization of local groups to promote and protect women’s rights. The project was relevant, given the fact that democratic participation in Pakistan, especially of women, was low. Underlying causes included the male-dominated social system, low awareness of fundamental freedoms and democratic rights, and a general lack of confidence in democratic processes.
Evaluation Date
October 2011

Lesson Learned: Rights and freedoms for all in Togo

Project implementation demonstrated that the grantee lacked human rights expertise. It is important to improve the expertise in this field to enable the grantee to develop a sound, rigorous strategy and credible message to Togo’s civil society and institutions.
Project Partner
Centre d'Observation et de Promotion de l'Etat de Droit
Project Description
The objective of the project was to promote democratic culture at all levels in society irrespective of social status, political, religious, ethnic or regional allegiance. Activities included awareness-raising of rural populations on the concept of democracy; training of local elites on participatory democracy, human rights and citizenship; information, education and communication to promote participation in the 2010 presidential elections and in local elections; and debates in secondary and high schools on democratic values and principles. While the grantee responded to a priority need in Togo for the development of a democratic culture, significant weaknesses in design and implementation limited the project’s relevance. Important stakeholders such as the judicial and law-enforcement sectors were not addressed by the project’s actions and there were months-long periods when very few activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
September 2010

Lesson Learned: Strengthening transitional justice processes in Burundi

The project could most probably have been more efficient if it had been more closely managed by the grantee’s office in South Africa. Its greater involvement would have enhanced the value of the project in the eyes of implementing partners and provided valuable assistance to the staff working on Burundi.
Project Partner
International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
Project Description
The project was related to the establishment in Burundi of a National Consultation Steering Committee (NCSC) made up of government, UN and civil society representatives and tasked with addressing issues of national reconciliation and accountability for past large-scale human rights violations. The overall goal of the project was “to help the NCSC to achieve its mandate and promote transitional justice”
Evaluation Date
August 2010

Lesson Learned: Strengthening transitional justice processes in Burundi

The project strategy did not fully consider how the grantee’s intervention would be received by government stakeholders. The grantee had built a positive record with civil society and the UN mission based on earlier training and technical advice and on the grantee’s international credibility. However they did not have a similar record with the government officials that were to lead the National Consultation Steering Committee and its technical advisory team. The credibility that the grantee built with the police through the implementation of the census project did not translate into an open door at the National Consultation Steering Committee.
Project Partner
International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
Project Description
The project was related to the establishment in Burundi of a National Consultation Steering Committee (NCSC) made up of government, UN and civil society representatives and tasked with addressing issues of national reconciliation and accountability for past large-scale human rights violations. The overall goal of the project was “to help the NCSC to achieve its mandate and promote transitional justice”
Evaluation Date
August 2010