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Lesson Learned: Promoting democratic dialogue and social cohesion in the Western region of Côte d'Ivoire

The project’s impact was most visible among the beneficiaries of the micro projects. For example, the association of women selling fresh products on the market in Bloléquin was able to create common interest among women from different backgrounds – locally born, as well as older migrants and recently resettled women. This association, created by the project, was able to lobby local authorities on behalf the market women on matters such as the allocation of market stalls and to improve the storage of fresh produce.
Project Partner
Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour la Paix
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to reinforce community dialogue and participatory democracy in the Western part of Cote d’Ivoire, with a view to enhancing social cohesion and the enhancement of democratic values at local level. To achieve this objective, the project had three outputs: Civil society organizations (CSOs) and the authorities are better equipped to use community support techniques; CSO’s providing support to communities on the management of conflicts; and enhanced involvement of local communities in development initiatives. The project was remarkably relevant, in that it correctly identified the lack of social cohesion as a major risk for conflict returning to the target areas. The project developed strategies and activities that specifically addressed the needs of the local communities and those of the CSOs working with them. However, the project design phase did not sufficiently involve the communities and CSOs, and the project should have involved more technical experts.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo

The grantee’s knowledge of social and political realities in all regions of Kosovo and in all ethnic communities enabled it to be thorough in its risk analysis. The primary risk identified was that of non-cooperation by the municipal assemblies and municipal government administration. Risks were well-identified, and risk mitigation strategies effective.
Project Partner
Kosova Democratic Institute
Project Description
Within the broader context of advancing good governance at local level, the project objective was to enhance the involvement of civil society in local governance through: local assembly monitoring; policy analysis and policy dialogues with public officials; and advocacy campaigns. The grantee sought to promote two-way communications between local officials and citizens in 14 selected municipalities and to support the strengthening of the capacities of locally-based CSOs to monitor the performance of municipal assemblies and municipal government in order to improve accountability. The emphasis of the project on transparency and accountability in municipal government while also reinforcing the position and capacities of civil society at local level was entirely appropriate. The project took place in a difficult context. Yet, despite having to deal with public passivity and indifference about politics, along with a political establishment under little direct pressure to change, it did succeed in highlighting the importance of democratic processes and in engaging citizens in the public sphere. It also made some progress in pressing local government institutions to think differently about their responsibilities.
Evaluation Date
August 2015

Lesson Learned: Promoting democratic dialogue and social cohesion in the Western region of Côte d'Ivoire

The project put in place “frameworks for coordination” - Cadres de concertation - bringing together local officials, CSOs and representatives of the various communities to discuss and prevent conflicts. These were very effective and are likely to have an impact in the future in terms of easing tensions among communities.
Project Partner
Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour la Paix
Project Description
The overall objective of the project was to reinforce community dialogue and participatory democracy in the Western part of Cote d’Ivoire, with a view to enhancing social cohesion and the enhancement of democratic values at local level. To achieve this objective, the project had three outputs: Civil society organizations (CSOs) and the authorities are better equipped to use community support techniques; CSO’s providing support to communities on the management of conflicts; and enhanced involvement of local communities in development initiatives. The project was remarkably relevant, in that it correctly identified the lack of social cohesion as a major risk for conflict returning to the target areas. The project developed strategies and activities that specifically addressed the needs of the local communities and those of the CSOs working with them. However, the project design phase did not sufficiently involve the communities and CSOs, and the project should have involved more technical experts.
Evaluation Date
November 2014

Lesson Learned: Campagne d’Education au respect des Principes Démocratiques et Promotion du dialogue Démocratique au Burundi

This project was focused on the preparations for the general election planned for 2015 in Burundi. This project was implemented in the 13 municipalities of the capital of the country, Bujumbura and it targeted its municipal elected councilors, political parties’ leaders and Parliamentarians.
Project Partner
Coalition de la Société civile pour le Monitoring Electoral
Project Description
This project was focused on the preparations for the general election planned for 2015 in Burundi. The project’s objective was to empower local councilors in the Municipality of Bujumbura, leaders of political parties and parliamentarians and educate them regarding the importance of democratic culture within the political bodies and to create dialogue between political leaders so as to build a climate of trust and cooperation in the 2015 general elections.
Evaluation Date
November 2014

Lesson Learned: Improving the Participation of 155 Women's Groups

The field workers played an essential role, as they ensured close monitoring of the beneficiary groups, which clearly contributed to the efficiency of the initiatives. These staff were well integrated into the local population, spoke the local language and served as intermediaries between the rural population, the authorities and the media.
Project Partner
L’Organisation Nationale pour la Femme, l’Enfant et la Famille
Project Description
The project’s objective was to increase the number of rural women in Côte d’Ivoire participating in the democratic process, specifically in decision-making. In order to do this, the project set out to raise awareness among rural women of their political and civil rights; and increase the number of informed rural women able to participate in electoral processes either as candidates or as voters. The activities were designed to take into account the post-election crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, taking into account that women make up the largest proportion of the voting population. The decision to intervene in the western part of the country, which was particularly affected by the war and where women became victims of sexual and gender based violence allowed a more targeted response to the specific needs of the beneficiary populations.
Evaluation Date
October 2013

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Dialogue for Community Decision-Making

The project’s relevance was undermined by weak risk management. Some predictable risks in the Democratic Republic of Congo, including armed violence, were mentioned in the project document, but no specific mitigation strategies were developed. It would be appropriate in the future for project applicants to more systematically develop fully-fledged risk mitigation strategies.
Project Partner
Radio Canal Revelation
Project Description
The objective of the project was to involve grassroots communities with democratization processes across the Ituri District in the Province Orientale of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To achieve this, the grantee planned to strengthen the capacity of radio listeners’ clubs through training and practical support; to organize community debates using the radio listeners’ clubs; to produce radio broadcasts based on the community debates and on roundtable meetings between communities and officials; and to produce a range of news and educational broadcasts. The project provided local communities with knowledge they could use to convey their concerns to the authorities. It encouraged dialogue by inviting local political leaders to debate with communities and members of radio listeners’ clubs. The various elements of the project formed a well thought-out and organic whole, which was able to foster positive changes at community level. The focus on women’s participation in democratic debates was also relevant, and connected to the emphasis on access to broadcast news.
Evaluation Date
June 2013

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Dialogue for Community Decision-Making

The project activities - raising awareness about human rights, organizing community debates and producing broadcasts - contributed the local democratization agenda, and complemented the gradual reestablishment of a stable and democratic situation in Ituri District. In particular, the project helped to reach remote communities; increase women’s awareness of their rights; and in some communities the project helped address security concerns, including the use of violence by police and military personnel against civilians.
Project Partner
Radio Canal Revelation
Project Description
The objective of the project was to involve grassroots communities with democratization processes across the Ituri District in the Province Orientale of the Democratic Republic of Congo. To achieve this, the grantee planned to strengthen the capacity of radio listeners’ clubs through training and practical support; to organize community debates using the radio listeners’ clubs; to produce radio broadcasts based on the community debates and on roundtable meetings between communities and officials; and to produce a range of news and educational broadcasts. The project provided local communities with knowledge they could use to convey their concerns to the authorities. It encouraged dialogue by inviting local political leaders to debate with communities and members of radio listeners’ clubs. The various elements of the project formed a well thought-out and organic whole, which was able to foster positive changes at community level. The focus on women’s participation in democratic debates was also relevant, and connected to the emphasis on access to broadcast news.
Evaluation Date
June 2013

Lesson Learned: Supporting civic participation of grassroots communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Members of the project’s Democratic Action Clubs (DACs) have more awareness of their rights and are more likely to identify future abuses of power by the administration. The project also resulted in participants being better informed about legal remedies available to them. Elected officials who took part in public debates noted that some DAC members had boldly and publicly criticized police violence and corruption.
Project Partner
Organisation Paix, Unité, Réconciliation, Reconstruction
Project Description
The objective of the project was to enhance citizens’ access and involvement in local governance in 50 communities in Kinshasa and Maniema Provinces. According to the grantee’s analysis elections were a time of apparent democracy, because neither the administration nor elected officials were actually accountable to citizens for their actions. Therefore, the project aimed to raise awareness among grassroots communities about the importance of participating in local governance; to involve grassroots communities in identifying information, training and support needs for participatory governance; and to document and learn from local experience in relation to participatory governance. The project’s relevance, however, was limited as its scale of action was too small to enhance democratic culture at the level of entire communities, as suggested by the grantee; and it failed to highlight the need for women’s participation in governance.
Evaluation Date
June 2013

Lesson Learned: Civil Society Engagement for Democracy and Good Governance

Despite the socio-political and post-election crises in Côte d’Ivoire the grantee managed to inspire democratic behaviour. The project effectively put in place five Committees monitoring democracy and good governance in order to improve citizens understanding of how the local town hall works and what rights citizens have that allow them to participate actively in governance to improve their living conditions.
Project Partner
West Africa Network For Peacebuilding - Côte d'Ivoire
Project Description
The main focus of the project in Côte d’Ivoire was to put in place five departmental committees and one national committee for the monitoring of democracy and good governance. By strengthening the capacity of the members of these committees, the project promoted voluntary involvement in the management of communes and the exercise of civic control. By relying on the country’s policy of decentralization, the project helped local populations develop an interest in governing local affairs through learning about their roles as citizens. This was done through cooperation and engaging in dialogue with locally elected leaders. With this project the grantee integrated strategic priorities of the national decentralization policy into local governance. It also managed to take into account the context of the Ivorian crisis, which was characterized by a weakness of democracy and poor governance. It was therefore a kind of post-crisis pilot project on raising awareness and approaches to training in democratic education and good governance. The project could have applied a more nuanced approach in relation to the different groups that were part of the target population, particularly women and young people and provided more local support.
Evaluation Date
January 2013

Lesson Learned: Educating Rural Women in Haiti for Democratic Citizenship

One of the most positive aspects of the project was its implementation in remote marginalized rural settings of Haiti. A real success was the emergence of women leaders and future candidates from sectors of the communes that were so deprived that at the time of project launch no services were in place and there had been no civic education for women democratic action.
Project Partner
Association Femmes Soleil d"Haiti
Project Description
The project objective was to strengthen the citizenship and democratic skills of women. With virtually no access to civic information and limited opportunities for women to participate in political life including access to positions that involve decision-making, especially in rural areas, the grantee aimed to raise awareness among local authorities and strategic civil society organizations in Haiti, so they would become more engaged in promoting a culture that recognizes the role of women in society, fostering in women and men alike a new perspective on their political participation. The project was implemented in twenty rural communes, notably in very remote, virtually ignored sections of Haiti, which lacked basic, educational and health services. With regards to its objective, the project was fully aligned with current government priorities, and in the context of elections, it recognized the need for women to participate fully in the electoral process, as well as in political affairs and to become aware of their civil rights and rights as citizens.
Evaluation Date
March 2012