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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Youth, Minority and Women’s Organizations in Pakistan

Pre-and post-training questionnaires were collected for the training of trainers, which according to the grantee showed that 92.5% of participants had significantly better understanding and knowledge on democracy. The data from these tests were not available for the evaluators to review, but several CSO participants noted that that no differentiation was made in trainings between those who were already experienced trainers and novices.
Project Partner
Chanan Development Association
Project Description
The project aimed to improve the understanding and capacity of 150 civil society organizations (CSOs) to mobilize youth, women and minority groups so that they could participate in democratic processes at the grassroots level in 25 districts. Its intended outcomes were: improved understanding among civil society on democracy and advocacy skills for good governance; and increased participation of youth, women and minorities and their organizations in democratic processes. The design was ambitious in geographic scope and in the number of CSO participants, especially for the level of funding. This limited the number of activities that each CSO could undertake because it spread the funding out between so many different organizations and locations. This resulted in a number of CSOs losing interest in the project. The project also did not tailor its activities to the different needs and context of the different districts and target groups. All of the above affected the project’s relevance.
Evaluation Date
June 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

Disparities among the participants regarding their basic knowledge on key-topics hindered the satisfactory implementation of some training sessions. Organizing trainees into more homogeneous groups by distinguishing different levels of training - basic, advanced - in topics such as national development and sectorial, as well as public finances and local governance could address the issue.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic Participation of Indigenous Youth for the Strengthening of Democracy

The process of training youth leaders raised civic awareness and supported organizational processes amongst young people in Guatemala. Although their understanding of civic participation as a tool for political change still needs to be strengthened, the lessons learned were highly valued by the participants who were empowered to include issues that affect them in public policy on youth.
Project Partner
Coordinación de ONGs y Cooperativas
Project Description
The aim of the project in Guatemala was to increase the participation of Q´eqchi youth, especially women, in individual and collective decision-making and democratic processes in the municipality of Sayaxché, department of Petén. The project strategy was structured around two activities: training young people on citizens’ rights and participatory democracy; and creating organized youth spaces to foster the participation of young people in political decision-making processes. Civic awareness-raising and training sessions for young people from 23 communities belonging to five micro-regions within the municipality of Sayaxché were held. The project then attempted to institutionalise structures by creating two youth associations. These associations were expected to draft a proposal for public policy on youth at the municipal level, which would be presented to the local government for adoption. These activities contributed to the improvement of the quality of political participation of young people and to the strengthening of the process of decentralization which promotes civic participation at the local level.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: Civic Participation of Indigenous Youth for the Strengthening of Democracy

Important topics such as the prevention of violence, sexual and reproductive health and gender equality were not been sufficiently elaborated during the training programme.
Project Partner
Coordinación de ONGs y Cooperativas
Project Description
The aim of the project in Guatemala was to increase the participation of Q´eqchi youth, especially women, in individual and collective decision-making and democratic processes in the municipality of Sayaxché, department of Petén. The project strategy was structured around two activities: training young people on citizens’ rights and participatory democracy; and creating organized youth spaces to foster the participation of young people in political decision-making processes. Civic awareness-raising and training sessions for young people from 23 communities belonging to five micro-regions within the municipality of Sayaxché were held. The project then attempted to institutionalise structures by creating two youth associations. These associations were expected to draft a proposal for public policy on youth at the municipal level, which would be presented to the local government for adoption. These activities contributed to the improvement of the quality of political participation of young people and to the strengthening of the process of decentralization which promotes civic participation at the local level.
Evaluation Date
January 2016

Lesson Learned: Renforcement des capacités des journalistes et blogueurs arabes pour la promotion des droits de l’Homme

Bloggers and journalists benefit from human rights training. However, these activities should address more directly the needs and expectations of this target group, in particular by emphasizing economic, social and cultural rights and the practical aspects of training sessions.
Project Partner
Arab Institute for Human Rights
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reinforce the capacities of Arab citizen journalists and bloggers in relation to the promotion and protection of human rights. The project was relevant as a human rights education activity, to the extent it responded to the fact that the targeted bloggers and journalists were not always familiar with the human rights principles and the international procedures for the protection of human rights. The project activities led to the acquisition of new skills by the participants which contributed to changes in the way they have carried out their blogging and journalistic work after the training sessions. It is of course not clear that the participants’ work has influenced the wider public. However, comments posted by readers suggest that some of the participants were able to encourage tolerant attitudes among their readers, for example in relation to gender equality or in debates about democracy.
Evaluation Date
October 2014

Lesson Learned: Empowering the Voice of a New Generation in Pakistan

The usefulness of the baseline study that was used to select the CBO partners in 20 locations in Pakistan, was uncertain as it assessed CBOs and their attributes rather than their qualifications. Some of the CBOs seemed extremely competent, but others might not have been the most appropriate choices. For instance, at least two did not appear to have offices where the Voice of a New Generation groups were expected to meet and the Information Resource Centres to be housed.
Project Partner
Civil Society Support Programme
Project Description
The project’s objective was to increase the role of youth in public affairs and policy development in 20 locations in Pakistan. Its intended outcomes were: a strengthened networking and institutional capacities of the programme; enhanced understanding of the Voice of New Generation youth on social, political and development issues; and increased participation of Voice of New Generation groups in research and advocacy for policy making on youth issues.   The project design addressed issues directly relevant to youth and incorporated community based organizations into programme delivery which helped ensure an effective intervention and continuity of efforts. However, it assumed all participants were literate, had internet access, and the time and drive to develop and sustain a Voice of a New Generation effort within their area. This was the case for only a small minority of the targeted youth. This significantly reduced the relevance of the project.
Evaluation Date
August 2014

Lesson Learned: Narrowing the Gender Gap in Flood Affected Areas of Pakistan

Participants felt that the project had an abrupt ending and some were waiting for it to continue. The mobile phones that were given to the participants as part of the project were also returned to the grantee at the end so that the beneficiaries were not automatically able to continue to use the tools they had learned.
Project Partner
Pattan Development Organization
Project Description
The objective of the project was to reduce gender disparity and gender-based violence in eight flood affected districts of Pakistan. Its intended outcomes were: increased awareness of gender issues; increased progress towards certain Millennium Development Goals (MDG 3: gender equality and empowerment of women; MDG 4: reduced child mortality; and, MDG 5: improved maternal health); and increased capacity of women to counter gender discrimination and to hold government accountable. The project objectives were directly relevant to the needs to strengthen gender rights and equity within Pakistan and especially within rural, marginalized flood prone areas The grantee took a rights based approach that integrated men as well as women into the project activities and structures. This increased project relevance for the communities and helped to ensure that the women were able to participate in these male dominated areas.
Evaluation Date
July 2014

Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

The project design put an emphasis on economic, social and political problems specific to women in the region: access to land ownership, discrimination, gender-based and family violence. It also aimed to support women’s participation in democratic governance by highlighting women’s concerns and opinions. In that sense the projects expected results constituted appropriate responses to the problems identified.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Active democracy and political participation of tribal communities in the Indian Himalayas

The project was coherent, gender-appropriate and highly relevant to the needs of the beneficiaries living in the Himalaya region. The design of this project within a broader strategic planning and programming process also led to the individual actions being well designed and relevant.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project’s principal objectives were to enhance civic participation among Himalayan tribes and empower marginalized groups (women, people with disabilities and nomads); and to engage with governance issues and democratic dialogue. To this end, the project aimed to build a supportive environment for enhanced democratic participation through supporting state and non-state actors. The project consisted of 10 core components creating a continuum of involvement from awareness of rights to access to those rights, supported by the training and mobilization of relevant support actors and those who could make the rights a reality. The project design was logical and very much tuned to the needs of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders in this challenging region. There were no delays in project delivery, since it had been designed with the seasonal obstacles relevant to the target region in mind.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Education and Training of Youth for Democracy in Burkina Faso

The project focused on developing young leaders’ knowledge by means of a large quantity of sensitization activities and trainings. It is uncertain that those activities responded to genuine needs, due to the lack of benchmarks regarding the reasons for the non-participation of the youth in electoral processes.
Project Partner
Réseau Afrique Jeunesse
Project Description
The project aimed to mobilize youth to participate in the presidential election, by reinforcing citizens’ and voters’ knowledge. The beneficiaries were young leaders of women’s and men’s associations from across Burkina Faso, aged 18 – 25, who were involved in and committed to civil society specific activities for the youth. Activities focused on education, training and sensitization and, subsequently, on the development of a group of young leaders that can relay information and training knowledge to members of youth organisations and to the youth of their villages. The project was firmly rooted in the socio-political and cultural context of Burkina Faso. The lack of participation of young citizens in successive elections is intrinsically linked with the lack of education, in particular citizens’ and voters’ education. In the context of a still male-dominated country, the identification of beneficiaries comprising both young men and women was also appropriate to address the political participation of women. The project was also coherent in that it covered the pre-electoral, electoral and post electoral periods.
Evaluation Date
June 2012