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Lesson Learned: Strengthening Participation of Women in Geographically Deprived Communities in Local Governance in Ghana

The Women’s Group Advocacy Platforms opened channels of communication with local authorities in Ghana and their activities led to changes in public service delivery in areas of child care, education, health and domestic concerns, but also other issues were discussed such as duties on farms and in trading, and non-traditional areas such as contesting for and winning political office. In this respect, the platforms achieved creditable results including a reduction of the structural marginalisation of women.
Project Partner
Gender Centre for Empowering Development
Project Description
The project’s objective was to increase participation of women in decision making to develop sustainable, decentralized, bottom-up planning processes in Ghana. The grantee institutionalized Women’s Group Advocacy (WOMGA) Platforms to engage and dialogue with local government authorities in decision making processes on public service delivery. At the heart of the project strategy was the mobilization and empowerment of 150 women, who were trained and deployed to monitor policy implementation at the district level using a Gender Monitoring and Tracking Tool, and to champion the participation of women in local planning and implementation processes. The project’s intervention logic was sound and had clarity and coherence. Institutionalizing the WOMGA Platforms facilitated regular engagement with local government authorities, and hence effectively contributed to the overall development goal of increasing women’s participation in decision-making process on public service delivery. Local officials commended the high level of preparation they had to undertake for the public sessions the project held, during which they faced thorough questioning by the WOMGA members and the community.
Evaluation Date
June 2017

Lesson Learned: Initiative to Build Social Movements in Sierra Leone

Some of the training participants experienced a change in attitude leading to greater understanding of the importance of strategic thinking, institutional development and joint work among CSOs. Other CSO participants revealed that the CSO profile report that was issued by the project as one of the first outputs opened their eyes about how currently ineffective NGO platforms were and the extensive need for dedicated work to reinforce civil society coordination structures.
Project Partner
Network Movement for Justice and Development
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen national civil society platforms to become more organized, cohesive, confident and effective to bring about social change in their communities. The expected outcomes were: well-coordinated, cohesive and properly managed civil society platforms that are inclusive and gender sensitive; visionary, committed and confident leadership steering these platforms and keeping them functional; a capacity building programme in place that facilitates the strengthening and sustained engagement of the civil society platforms. The project involved activities such as training on conflict transformation and organizational management skills; consultations within and amongst existing coordination platforms of civil society organizations (CSOs), as well as facilitated strategy sessions and retreats, and public meetings aimed at engaging with political decision-makers at national and provincial levels. The project, originally planned to last 24 months from 1st October 2012, was eventually implemented over 35 months, ending 31st August 2015, mainly as a result of the Ebola virus disease outbreak and subsequent crisis The project was relevant, in that it correctly identified the need for improved coordination and enhanced capacity within and among Sierra Leone civil society platforms. It was also relevant in that the training approach that was at the core of the project was well designed and met identified needs.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: Initiative to Build Social Movements in Sierra Leone

While participants from civil society organizations and platforms welcomed training provided by the grantee to improve CSO management and coordination they were not necessarily ready to implement the new skills acquired if it required additional resources. For the same reasons, the enhancement of platform and CSO leaders’ management skills did not necessarily result in additional advocacy activities. The project’s relevance could have been enhanced, by providing incentives for platforms to develop joint advocacy or campaigns.
Project Partner
Network Movement for Justice and Development
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen national civil society platforms to become more organized, cohesive, confident and effective to bring about social change in their communities. The expected outcomes were: well-coordinated, cohesive and properly managed civil society platforms that are inclusive and gender sensitive; visionary, committed and confident leadership steering these platforms and keeping them functional; a capacity building programme in place that facilitates the strengthening and sustained engagement of the civil society platforms. The project involved activities such as training on conflict transformation and organizational management skills; consultations within and amongst existing coordination platforms of civil society organizations (CSOs), as well as facilitated strategy sessions and retreats, and public meetings aimed at engaging with political decision-makers at national and provincial levels. The project, originally planned to last 24 months from 1st October 2012, was eventually implemented over 35 months, ending 31st August 2015, mainly as a result of the Ebola virus disease outbreak and subsequent crisis The project was relevant, in that it correctly identified the need for improved coordination and enhanced capacity within and among Sierra Leone civil society platforms. It was also relevant in that the training approach that was at the core of the project was well designed and met identified needs.
Evaluation Date
May 2016