Lesson Learned: Empowering Communities Threatened with Displacement in Thailand
Mobilizing funding for local and or provincial cooperation and partnership on policy issues can be highly impactful, as it enables structural problem-solving on policy making and legal challenges. It is, however important, that grantees continue to identify the funding opportunities needed to ensure that an effective team remains in place long term that can coordinate policy efforts, lobby the right circles, and communicate across relevant stakeholders.
Project Partner
Chumchonthai Foundation
Project Description
Economic growth has benefited many citizens but has in some cases resulted in being a threat to cultural existence, livelihoods, and land/citizenship rights of communities. This project aims to promote the social, political and economic inclusion of marginalized communities in the Andaman region of Thailand, through capacity development, advocacy and community campaigning to eliminate discriminatory laws, policies, and practices. It seeks to help members of marginalized communities to gain legal identities and acquire the political and legal know-how, and organizational skills needed to assert their rights and in participating in decision-making processes. Moreover, it will support media and public-advocacy campaigns designed to increase local authorities’ knowledge of and compliance with laws and policies, recognizing the rights of marginalized people and communities.
Evaluation Date
December 2020