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Rule of law


Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

The grantee’s project and partnership management was transparent, respecting the contract terms. The result framework’s achievement indicators, as well as quality control mechanisms were established from the beginning of the project. No significant delays were reported in the mobilisation of human, financial and logistic resources.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

Participants in Morocco unanimously underlined the relevance of the themes selected for the training sessions and the seminars and praised the quality of the teaching, as well as the trainers’ participatory and practical methodology. Content and form of the workshops were adapted to the socio-cultural specificities and took into account the limitations of the participants.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

Participants in Morocco unanimously underlined the relevance of the themes selected for the training sessions and the seminars and praised the quality of the teaching, as well as the trainers’ participatory and practical methodology. Content and form of the workshops were adapted to the socio-cultural specificities and took into account the limitations of the participants.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

Participation of civil society actors and of local government representatives in the capacity-building sessions exceeded the targets set however, the project failed to really mobilize women. Take into account that women face many obstacles to participate in political life, at the most basic level, they have limited access to transport.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

The grantee in Morocco was very efficient in the operational follow-up of the project. Each external collaborator was expected to prepare a final report. Unfortunately, the quality of the reports showed serious discrepancies due to the lack of a standard template. This also limited the comparability of the results and the potential to further improve training and seminar quality.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

Disparities among the participants regarding their basic knowledge on key-topics hindered the satisfactory implementation of some training sessions. Organizing trainees into more homogeneous groups by distinguishing different levels of training - basic, advanced - in topics such as national development and sectorial, as well as public finances and local governance could address the issue.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: For a More Vigilant Civil Society in Morocco

The capability of the CSOs to dialogue and to make themselves heard by political and legislative decision-makers remained limited, in particular at parliament level. Advocacy and lobbying activities among members of parliament supported by audio-visual tools, infographic sheets and properly written and formatted press releases could ensure better visibility and awareness.
Project Partner
Association Mouvement Alternatives citoyenne
Project Description
The main objective of the project was to strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law, through the progressive incorporation of grass-roots organizations and marginalized sections of the Moroccan society in elaborating and monitoring public policy. The project strategy was structured around capacity building of civil society organizations to participate in democratic mechanisms, and support to marginalized groups, in particular women and youth, to foster their inclusion as protagonists in the management of public affairs. In the context of the Morocco’s democratic transition, the project’s efforts to promote the new Constitution was very useful, as most civil society organizations were unacquainted with concepts and mechanisms of participatory democracy, as well as with the new prerogatives as set in the country’s 2011 Constitution.
Evaluation Date
May 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

Participation of members of the partner agencies and of the local organisations was remarkably high, particularly in the training sessions. The students and the rural women also responded in a very positive way to the project interventions. However, young adults who were not in education were mores hesitant about getting involved.

Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

The field research undertaken as part of the project interviewed a wide sample of citizens and provided a precise diagnosis of the electoral behaviour of those communities, but the end-product was too academic and lacked digestible messages that could be easily communicated as part of sensitization activities.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016

Lesson Learned: Support for Democratic Transition and Promotion of Citizenship

Some of the activities assigned to partners were not carried out neither were they replaced by other activities. There were great disparities between the activities and the achieved outcomes. The grantee could have reorganized its very ambitious and confusing results framework to link activities, outputs and outcomes more clearly. The grantee could benefit from training on results frameworks and monitoring.
Project Partner
Association Nationale de Développement Durable
Project Description
The project intended to tackle the low level of civic participation in the disadvantaged rural zones of central Tunisia and to boost the civic commitment of those populations. In addition to strengthening the capacity of local actors to transmit information about the election process, the project aimed to increase awareness of and participation of targeted groups - women, young adults and adolescents - in the mechanisms and the activities of Tunisian civil society. Taking into account the profile of the grantee’s partner organizations and the available resources, not all of the project’s objectives were realistic or achievable. The partners introduced important modifications to the expected results during project implementation and there were several delays which affected the way that activities were implemented.
Evaluation Date
March 2016