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Rule of law


Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusive Local Development in Indigenous and Peasant Communities in Bolivia

Relationship building with State agencies must take place at different levels. While the grantee focused its advocacy activities on the high-level officials responsible for making policy decisions, it is equally important to work with staff of lower hierarchy given the important role they play in implementing policy. That is, enhanced trust and coordination with the lower level staff who work on identity registration processes on a daily basis helped facilitate the review process and improve the overall treatment of the community members.
Project Partner
Microjusticia Bolivia
Project Description
The project was implemented between 2014 and 2016 by the Fundación MicroJusticia Bolivia (MJB), a branch of Microjustice4All (MJ). The project objective was to legally and politically empower members and leaders of indigenous communities, women and men, in La Paz and Oruro to protect and exercise their civil and indigenous rights and participate in democratic decision-making processes. The project objectives included: an increase in the number of people holding basic legal documents; increased awareness in the target groups of the importance of having their basic legal documents (identity, legal, personality) in order; strengthened capacity of members, leaders and organizations of traditionally excluded indigenous communities to participate in democratic processes and to exercise their civil and indigenous rights; and improved access to basic legal documents through evidence-based inputs for institutional reforms through advocacy. The project was timely and relevant to participant needs and the political and cultural context in Bolivia. The potential impact could be extended beyond legal and political rights to also enhance socio-economic development once legalized communities are able to access government projects and resources. The project was cost-efficient and well managed. The project’s focus on community ownership contributed to sustainability of results, though Microjusticia’s own sustainability and ability to operate is dependent on additional external funding.
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusive Local Development in Indigenous and Peasant Communities in Bolivia

Alliances with law schools provide a number of win-win benefits. On the one hand, the CSO can lower costs, expand reach and improve service quality through recruitment of students who are motivated and familiar with the target communities. Additionally, the students are given the opportunity to test their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting as well as gain experience that can benefit their career prospects.
Project Partner
Microjusticia Bolivia
Project Description
The project was implemented between 2014 and 2016 by the Fundación MicroJusticia Bolivia (MJB), a branch of Microjustice4All (MJ). The project objective was to legally and politically empower members and leaders of indigenous communities, women and men, in La Paz and Oruro to protect and exercise their civil and indigenous rights and participate in democratic decision-making processes. The project objectives included: an increase in the number of people holding basic legal documents; increased awareness in the target groups of the importance of having their basic legal documents (identity, legal, personality) in order; strengthened capacity of members, leaders and organizations of traditionally excluded indigenous communities to participate in democratic processes and to exercise their civil and indigenous rights; and improved access to basic legal documents through evidence-based inputs for institutional reforms through advocacy. The project was timely and relevant to participant needs and the political and cultural context in Bolivia. The potential impact could be extended beyond legal and political rights to also enhance socio-economic development once legalized communities are able to access government projects and resources. The project was cost-efficient and well managed. The project’s focus on community ownership contributed to sustainability of results, though Microjusticia’s own sustainability and ability to operate is dependent on additional external funding.
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusive Local Development in Indigenous and Peasant Communities in Bolivia

Legal services projects can produce benefits both in terms of the “ends” - securing legal recognition- as well as through the “means” - process developed. Obtaining collective and individual legal identity is fundamental for human rights and democratic participation. At the same time, the process of applying for collective identity—through reflection and drafting of by-laws and internal regulation—can strengthen community organization, empower community leaders and open opportunities for socio-economic development.
Project Partner
Microjusticia Bolivia
Project Description
The project was implemented between 2014 and 2016 by the Fundación MicroJusticia Bolivia (MJB), a branch of Microjustice4All (MJ). The project objective was to legally and politically empower members and leaders of indigenous communities, women and men, in La Paz and Oruro to protect and exercise their civil and indigenous rights and participate in democratic decision-making processes. The project objectives included: an increase in the number of people holding basic legal documents; increased awareness in the target groups of the importance of having their basic legal documents (identity, legal, personality) in order; strengthened capacity of members, leaders and organizations of traditionally excluded indigenous communities to participate in democratic processes and to exercise their civil and indigenous rights; and improved access to basic legal documents through evidence-based inputs for institutional reforms through advocacy. The project was timely and relevant to participant needs and the political and cultural context in Bolivia. The potential impact could be extended beyond legal and political rights to also enhance socio-economic development once legalized communities are able to access government projects and resources. The project was cost-efficient and well managed. The project’s focus on community ownership contributed to sustainability of results, though Microjusticia’s own sustainability and ability to operate is dependent on additional external funding.
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusive Local Development in Indigenous and Peasant Communities in Bolivia

Sustainability is the Achilles’ heel of democracy projects. To ensure the continuation of services beyond the end of project funding, projects need to plan for sustainability from the start, as design and implementation will require: creative partnerships with civil society and State organizations; careful analysis of the level of demand and willingness to pay; the creation of a cadre of competent professionals able to provide continuous service; and empowerment of community members to provide orientation or counsel, as feasible.
Project Partner
Microjusticia Bolivia
Project Description
The project was implemented between 2014 and 2016 by the Fundación MicroJusticia Bolivia (MJB), a branch of Microjustice4All (MJ). The project objective was to legally and politically empower members and leaders of indigenous communities, women and men, in La Paz and Oruro to protect and exercise their civil and indigenous rights and participate in democratic decision-making processes. The project objectives included: an increase in the number of people holding basic legal documents; increased awareness in the target groups of the importance of having their basic legal documents (identity, legal, personality) in order; strengthened capacity of members, leaders and organizations of traditionally excluded indigenous communities to participate in democratic processes and to exercise their civil and indigenous rights; and improved access to basic legal documents through evidence-based inputs for institutional reforms through advocacy. The project was timely and relevant to participant needs and the political and cultural context in Bolivia. The potential impact could be extended beyond legal and political rights to also enhance socio-economic development once legalized communities are able to access government projects and resources. The project was cost-efficient and well managed. The project’s focus on community ownership contributed to sustainability of results, though Microjusticia’s own sustainability and ability to operate is dependent on additional external funding.
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation and Inclusive Local Development in Indigenous and Peasant Communities in Bolivia

When properly designed and carefully implemented, legal services projects can combine sensitivity to traditional customs in this case of indigenous groups with principles such as human rights and gender equality. To a great extent, achieving this delicate balance hinges on the service provider’s local knowledge, respect for traditions, ability to build trust, and use of appropriate language and communication channels.







Project Partner
Microjusticia Bolivia
Project Description
The project was implemented between 2014 and 2016 by the Fundación MicroJusticia Bolivia (MJB), a branch of Microjustice4All (MJ). The project objective was to legally and politically empower members and leaders of indigenous communities, women and men, in La Paz and Oruro to protect and exercise their civil and indigenous rights and participate in democratic decision-making processes. The project objectives included: an increase in the number of people holding basic legal documents; increased awareness in the target groups of the importance of having their basic legal documents (identity, legal, personality) in order; strengthened capacity of members, leaders and organizations of traditionally excluded indigenous communities to participate in democratic processes and to exercise their civil and indigenous rights; and improved access to basic legal documents through evidence-based inputs for institutional reforms through advocacy. The project was timely and relevant to participant needs and the political and cultural context in Bolivia. The potential impact could be extended beyond legal and political rights to also enhance socio-economic development once legalized communities are able to access government projects and resources. The project was cost-efficient and well managed. The project’s focus on community ownership contributed to sustainability of results, though Microjusticia’s own sustainability and ability to operate is dependent on additional external funding.
Evaluation Date
August 2017

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The project methodology took into account the participants’ needs and adapted activities to address them. The project also took place during the Ebola health crisis in Guinea and the grantee was able to adapt to address the crisis, for example by persuading elected officials in the target communities get more involved in the fight against the virus. The project shifted its focus to raise awareness among vulnerable citizens so that they were more engaged in working with the state and development partners to combat the virus.
Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The grassroots civil society organizations involved in the project learned from the capacity-building sessions. Following the project, they are better able to fulfil their role vis-à-vis local authorities by analysing local problems and soliciting people’s opinions. They are also better able to provide training and encouragement to citizens to participate more in local management.
Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The training materials could have been more relevant and accessible to the target beneficiaries. The resources should have been translated into the most frequently used languages. Learning materials should have also incorporated more visual elements and used radio broadcasts since many of the beneficiaries were illiterate.
Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The project established Reflection Circles on the topics of civic participation and consultation. These Circles were one of the project’s strong points. The Reflection Circles provided a link between the citizens and the municipal authorities and enhanced public debate on issues of local interest. Each Circle was led by a facilitator and applied a dynamic, participative methodology focused on debate in order to organise an optimal and effective framework for learning, making it possible to identify and analyse situations and problems in the daily life of the communities.

Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016

Lesson Learned: Supporting local democratic governance in the mining regions of northern Upper Guinea

The capacity-building component created social capital in the region and engaged participants and beneficiaries in absorbing and integrating sustainable local governance practices. Facilitators confirmed their continued involvement in the community affairs and their continued participation in Reflection Circles, which have become transparent spaces for civic debate, focused on the promotion of local governance tools such as the Local Development Plans, the annual investment plan and the municipal budgets.
Project Partner
Centre d'Appui pour le Developpement Economique et Social
Project Description
The project’s overall objective was to strengthen local democratic governance in mining regions in northern Upper Guinea in order to promote socio-economic development. Specifically the project aimed to enhance civic participation and transparency in public administration in the three urban municipalities of Dabola, inguiraye and Kouroussa. The grantee set out to create transparent spaces for civic participation and consultation; as well to strengthen drafting skills and to promote local governance such as Local Development Plans, an Annual Investment Plan and municipal budgets. The activities aimed to empower the most vulnerable groups, women and young people. The project was relevant since it addressed the main problems facing public administrations - a lack of knowledge and skills within local government and the reluctance of citizens to get involved and to participate in managing public affairs.
Evaluation Date
September 2016