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Rule of law


Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

Project outcomes should be captured on a continuous basis, rather than only at the end of the project. It is vital to capture the difference made by a project intervention at different stages of the project (immediately after the event and at further times). Otherwise, it is impossible to distinguish between the effects of different project interventions.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

Awareness of existing power dynamics with communities is important for effective implementation. When organizing community-based activities in which elected representatives and officials are present, one must be aware of existing power imbalances and mitigate these imbalances by facilitating activities in a way that doesn't reinforce existing power structures.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

Civil society organizations have the unique ability to act as a 'bridge' between service providers and users, building the capacity of marginalized groups that do not have the capacity to take advantage of the services available to them as well as helping service providers reach beneficiaries.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

Grantees should take care to adapt the information used in capacity-building exercises to the needs of the target groups. Grantees should consider adapting the information into more accessible or creative forms such as role plays, dramas, or art, or delivering information in conjunction with other activities meeting beneficiary needs (such as sports, life skills workshops) to bring key messages across.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

In order to effectively achieve project goals, grantees must be realistic about their organizational capacity, especially when working in areas and subject matters that are new to their organization. Grantees should call upon the expertise of other organizations with more experience in those fields if possible.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

This project provides a good model of planning for project sustainability. The grantee planned for sustainability in every component of the project, leaving nothing to change. This particular grantee's experience suggests that projects that deliver tangible benefits to communities may be sustained by those communities themselves.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Fostering Ethical Democracy and Advancing Micro Justice in India

In all projects that involve challenging established power structures, staff members that are most visible in project implementation ('frontline staff') face a high risk of personal reprisals. It is essential for grantees to be aware of these risks and take the appropriate measures necessary to protect frontline staff, for example ensuring the backing of a larger organization or having senior management playing a frontline role in project implementation as well.

Project Partner
DHAN Foundation
Project Description
This project aims to improve the provision of local democratic services to women, youth and students in disadvantaged communities in 5 regions. It will facilitate capacity development and create an enabling environment for Women Self Help Groups, youth associations and student groups to support their own "democracy action" initiatives. The project also seeks to initiate intensive campaigns on the Right to Information Act, in developing informed citizens. Additionally, the project will develop micro justice initiatives to address problems of infringement of rights; establishing para-legal clinics to facilitate the insurance of citizen rights and entitlements for development.
Evaluation Date
September 2018

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Human Rights Protection Through Legal Education in Haiti

Grantees must be transparent with donors and target audience, sharing important information that can affect the implementation of the project, clearly explaining to the participating organizations in which framework the activities are based and which objectives they have. This requires a strong executive capacity that can manage by results. It should also involve a larger number of staff / members in project evaluation processes; and share evaluation reports with all its members to promote collective learning. Actions should be properly planned and documented using electronic records (administration and programmatic content) of implemented projects.
Project Partner
Platforme des organisations haitennes des droits humains
Project Description
The project aimed to build the capacity and skills of community actors such as farmers' organizations, youth organizations and women's organizations to defend and uphold their rights. The grantee aimed to capitalize on the experience and realities of these groups and to stimulate their effective and responsible participation in the mobilization for the respect of fundamental human rights in the country. It also wanted the project to address the low level of knowledge of community actors, vulnerable groups and local authorities on human rights as well as State authorities' obligations in respect of human rights. Legal education on the chain of protection of human rights in Haiti, the mobilization of local actors on this thematic and the establishment of legal clinics were the main elements of the project implementation strategy. The evaluation focused on assessing the results of the activities trying to identify changes that could be reasonably attributed to them. While the overall aims of the project were relevant, the project largely failed to achieve the intended results. The negative consequence in not doing enough monitoring was that activities and impacts cannot be measured. The project was neither effective nor efficient as facilitators/animators were unable to create or reinforce networks of human rights observers in the targeted communities and human rights violations failed to be systematically documented. Observation reports were based on too few and poorly documented cases and legal aid was not provided as intended. The few trainings and meetings that brought together locally elected authorities, justice system representatives and members of grassroots organizations did facilitate exchanges that are still ongoing after the projects’ closure and continue to contribute to legal education and social dialogue.
Evaluation Date
June 2018

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Human Rights Protection Through Legal Education in Haiti

The project did not have particularly innovative features and the initial project document submitted to UNDEF was weak in terms of indicators for measuring results. The targets were difficult to measure and the baseline was not calculated with fact-based figures, so efficiency was difficult to assess. The final approved document was the result of a considerable number of exchanges between UNDEF and the grantee which, sadly, appear to have not been sufficiently owned by the implementing institution.
Project Partner
Platforme des organisations haitennes des droits humains
Project Description
The project aimed to build the capacity and skills of community actors such as farmers' organizations, youth organizations and women's organizations to defend and uphold their rights. The grantee aimed to capitalize on the experience and realities of these groups and to stimulate their effective and responsible participation in the mobilization for the respect of fundamental human rights in the country. It also wanted the project to address the low level of knowledge of community actors, vulnerable groups and local authorities on human rights as well as State authorities' obligations in respect of human rights. Legal education on the chain of protection of human rights in Haiti, the mobilization of local actors on this thematic and the establishment of legal clinics were the main elements of the project implementation strategy. The evaluation focused on assessing the results of the activities trying to identify changes that could be reasonably attributed to them. While the overall aims of the project were relevant, the project largely failed to achieve the intended results. The negative consequence in not doing enough monitoring was that activities and impacts cannot be measured. The project was neither effective nor efficient as facilitators/animators were unable to create or reinforce networks of human rights observers in the targeted communities and human rights violations failed to be systematically documented. Observation reports were based on too few and poorly documented cases and legal aid was not provided as intended. The few trainings and meetings that brought together locally elected authorities, justice system representatives and members of grassroots organizations did facilitate exchanges that are still ongoing after the projects’ closure and continue to contribute to legal education and social dialogue.
Evaluation Date
June 2018

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Human Rights Protection Through Legal Education in Haiti

UNDEF has a unique approach within UN agencies and its support for civil society remains essential. Despite the small size of the structure and the limited number of staff,  UNDEF provides assistance to organizations to help them through a rigorous process. Even though the success of the project was limited, UNDEF has helped ensure that this necessary and indispensable organization can be maintained.
Project Partner
Platforme des organisations haitennes des droits humains
Project Description
The project aimed to build the capacity and skills of community actors such as farmers' organizations, youth organizations and women's organizations to defend and uphold their rights. The grantee aimed to capitalize on the experience and realities of these groups and to stimulate their effective and responsible participation in the mobilization for the respect of fundamental human rights in the country. It also wanted the project to address the low level of knowledge of community actors, vulnerable groups and local authorities on human rights as well as State authorities' obligations in respect of human rights. Legal education on the chain of protection of human rights in Haiti, the mobilization of local actors on this thematic and the establishment of legal clinics were the main elements of the project implementation strategy. The evaluation focused on assessing the results of the activities trying to identify changes that could be reasonably attributed to them. While the overall aims of the project were relevant, the project largely failed to achieve the intended results. The negative consequence in not doing enough monitoring was that activities and impacts cannot be measured. The project was neither effective nor efficient as facilitators/animators were unable to create or reinforce networks of human rights observers in the targeted communities and human rights violations failed to be systematically documented. Observation reports were based on too few and poorly documented cases and legal aid was not provided as intended. The few trainings and meetings that brought together locally elected authorities, justice system representatives and members of grassroots organizations did facilitate exchanges that are still ongoing after the projects’ closure and continue to contribute to legal education and social dialogue.
Evaluation Date
June 2018