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Lesson Learned: Support for Elections in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Radio remains a key medium for reaching out to, and engaging with, communities in the state in a cost-effective way.
Project Partner
Stakeholder Democracy Network
Project Description
Elections in Nigeria, and especially in its oil-producing Niger Delta states, have in the past been disputed and given rise to violence. One of these states, Bayelsa, is due to choose a new governor in 2020 in what is expected to be a hotly contested election. The project seeks to minimize the risk of dispute and help to ensure the election is free, fair, and credible. It will support the Independent Nigerian Electoral Commission to train staff engaged to oversee polling in at-risk areas in the procedures necessary to do so effectively. It will support the creation of a database to register party political agents in three areas, reducing the risk of unidentifiable persons engaging in illegal political activity. Activities will also include voter education across the target areas, aiming to reach 1,350 citizens in workshops and 170,000 via a public campaign, seeking to inform citizens on how to prevent votes from being stolen or manipulated.
Evaluation Date
August 2021

Lesson Learned: Advocating for Community Radio in Zimbabwe

Human rights education remains a pertinent area for intervention in Zimbabwe, and community radio is a critical tool for pursuing this noble cause. The Zimbabwean government takes advantage of limited rights knowledge among marginalized communities for political expedience.
Project Partner
Amnesty International Zimbabwe
Project Description
The project will advocate for licensing community radio institutions in Zimbabwe. This will be achieved by means of: (a) coordinated civil society stakeholders and citizens advocacy and petitioning the Government and its related institutions through a united and strong effort; (b) policy and regulatory review and reform of community broadcasting and the process required for licensing; and (c) developing the capacity of 10 target community radio institutions (CRIs) for licensing.
Evaluation Date
December 2020