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Women's empowerment


Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women’s participation in Democracy in The Gambia

Participants in the project reported that their self-esteem had improved and that they were more empowered to become involved in politics. Some of the women have become effective leaders and agents of change. Of those women standing in local government elections, 80 per cent had been trained by the project. To mainstream these efforts, the grantee could lobby government, opposition parties, and the Independent Electoral Commission to include a statutory requirement for a minimum representation of women in National Assembly and local government
Project Partner
West African Network for Peacebuilding, The Gambia
Project Description
The project aimed to promote the involvement and participation of women in electoral processes and democratic governance. Following the decision of all but one of the opposition parties not to participate in the National Assembly elections, the grantee expanded the project to the local government elections. Project activities included focus groups about women’s rights to encourage active representation of women in the community decision-making processes. Open forums and regional radio programmes generated knowledge and vibrant discussion among the wider public. A capacity building scheme combined training, mentorship, and experience sharing. The project effectively questioned entrenched cultural norms and pervasive religious beliefs. However, in spite of the project’s advocacy activities and the provision of training and mentoring number female candidates in the local government elections was lower than during the previous 2006-2008 cycle.
Evaluation Date
January 2013

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women’s participation in Democracy in The Gambia

More work is required to address the low level of debating and campaigning skills among many of the women trainees.
Those women who stood for election but were not successful could have been better prepared. Trainees expressed their interest in further training and continued mentoring from the grantee.

Project Partner
West African Network for Peacebuilding, The Gambia
Project Description
The project aimed to promote the involvement and participation of women in electoral processes and democratic governance. Following the decision of all but one of the opposition parties not to participate in the National Assembly elections, the grantee expanded the project to the local government elections. Project activities included focus groups about women’s rights to encourage active representation of women in the community decision-making processes. Open forums and regional radio programmes generated knowledge and vibrant discussion among the wider public. A capacity building scheme combined training, mentorship, and experience sharing. The project effectively questioned entrenched cultural norms and pervasive religious beliefs. However, in spite of the project’s advocacy activities and the provision of training and mentoring number female candidates in the local government elections was lower than during the previous 2006-2008 cycle.
Evaluation Date
January 2013

Lesson Learned: Enhancing Women’s participation in Democracy in The Gambia

The project’s ultimate impact on the representation of women in the Gambia was rather limited, but this was owed to developments outside the control of the grantee such as the boycott of the election by the opposition.
Project Partner
West African Network for Peacebuilding, The Gambia
Project Description
The project aimed to promote the involvement and participation of women in electoral processes and democratic governance. Following the decision of all but one of the opposition parties not to participate in the National Assembly elections, the grantee expanded the project to the local government elections. Project activities included focus groups about women’s rights to encourage active representation of women in the community decision-making processes. Open forums and regional radio programmes generated knowledge and vibrant discussion among the wider public. A capacity building scheme combined training, mentorship, and experience sharing. The project effectively questioned entrenched cultural norms and pervasive religious beliefs. However, in spite of the project’s advocacy activities and the provision of training and mentoring number female candidates in the local government elections was lower than during the previous 2006-2008 cycle.
Evaluation Date
January 2013

Lesson Learned: Active Citizens and Accountable Local Government

Compromise is often a necessary element of successful advocacy processes. Imperfect legislation for pedestrian’s rights can be better than no legislation, particularly when amendments can be introduced later. The original project proposal had included the development and drafting of legislation. However, when the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) launched a bill, IP determined that it would make more sense to engage in and influence the MOI’s proposal rather than seek to push their own initiative. IP engaged in a dual-pronged stategy during the advocacy process that included both constructive and frequent dialogue with the MoI on the content of the law as well as civic activism to pressure parliament on approval of the legislation.
Project Partner
Project Description
The project aimed to create conditions for more active civic engagement among poor rural citizens. It also aimed to strengthen the capacities of local government to be more accountable and effective in rural provinces in Bangladesh. Project activities were undertaken pre- and post-elections. In line with Bangladesh’s National Rural Development Policy and the constitutional mandate, the project made a deliberate effort to reach out to socially disadvantaged communities. The project’s baseline survey confirmed that the target area's rural population was hardly involved in local decision-making processes and that little was known about the roles and responsibilities of their locally elected representatives, the Union Parishad (UP) members. Capacity building and communication activities prompted UPs to activate public consultation mechanisms such as standing committees and topical community meetings. Poor citizens were brought into direct contact with their UP members. The project greatly facilitated access to and use of local resources and services corresponding to the needs of the rural poor and the marginalized.
Evaluation Date
November 2012

Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

The project design put an emphasis on economic, social and political problems specific to women in the region: access to land ownership, discrimination, gender-based and family violence. It also aimed to support women’s participation in democratic governance by highlighting women’s concerns and opinions. In that sense the projects expected results constituted appropriate responses to the problems identified.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

The grantee did not fulfil its commitment to recruit a full-time project coordinator, using its own funds.Whenever an applicant indicates preparedness to provide in-kind contributions as part of a project, UNDEF should require that this be expressed in a binding contract, and ensure that the contribution is actually delivered.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Reinforcement of the role and image of women in West African media

Several participants in seminars and representatives of project implementing partners noted weaknesses that hampered the project’s effectiveness. The project design did not provide for an explicit lobbying and advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators on the representation of women in the media in West Africa. The implementing partners were not given enough organizational support.
Project Partner
Panos West Africa
Project Description
The project was to promote journalistic content countering negative images of women and reinforce the role of women journalists in the media, including at leadership level. The project’s impact was very clear in Niger were it contributed to the publication of a “Charter for the Improvement of the Image of Women in the Media”. In Mali and Burkina Faso, stakeholders mentioned positive changes in relation to journalists’ training on the use of oral testimony. The Femedia prizes given as part of the project had an impact beyond those journalists and media houses that participated in the competition. However, the overall impact of the project could have been greater if the grantee had developed and implemented an explicit advocacy strategy addressing government authorities and media regulators. As it was, the project only addressed these stakeholders indirectly.
Evaluation Date
October 2012

Lesson Learned: Engendering democratic governance in South Asia

The local level Watch Groups and meetings created evidence and data on the status of women in grassroots democratic institutions which was used by the National Watch Groups built on the local data with analysis of the situation in national politics and democratic institutions. This provided a significant evidence-based advocacy platform, which was then reinforced and supplemented by newspaper features, radio profiles and debates, generated by the media people who had gone through the training.
Project Partner
South Asia Partnership International
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance meaningful and equal participation of women in democratic governance by addressing the issues of gender-based exclusion, violence and discriminatory practices. The project established National Democracy Watch Groups (NDWGs) and Local Watch Groups (LWGs). These groups were intended to promote knowledge sharing. The project organized a series of local, national and regional meetings and included a component focusing on sensitizing the media to challenge gender stereotypes. The project succeeded in reaching a significant number of people across the three countries in through the watch groups as well as through radio debates and the stories developed by journalists trained as part of the project. The project exceeded its aims. Senior members of government (both national and local), democratic institutions such as electoral commissions and senior figures in the NGO and media worlds participated in the various meetings and/or groups, embedding the information provided and the debate into key areas of governance and civil society.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Engendering democratic governance in South Asia

The media training was well received by the participants. Journalists are often limited by the views of their editors, producers and other “gatekeepers”. Bringing together media gatekeepers (editors, sub-editors, executive producers and others in decision-making roles in the media) would further reinforce the mobilization of journalists in the project and increase the likelihood of their developing gender-sensitive coverage and women’s stories. This should not be promoted as training but might perhaps take the form of a modest ”retreat” at which information can be shared and trust built.
Project Partner
South Asia Partnership International
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance meaningful and equal participation of women in democratic governance by addressing the issues of gender-based exclusion, violence and discriminatory practices. The project established National Democracy Watch Groups (NDWGs) and Local Watch Groups (LWGs). These groups were intended to promote knowledge sharing. The project organized a series of local, national and regional meetings and included a component focusing on sensitizing the media to challenge gender stereotypes. The project succeeded in reaching a significant number of people across the three countries in through the watch groups as well as through radio debates and the stories developed by journalists trained as part of the project. The project exceeded its aims. Senior members of government (both national and local), democratic institutions such as electoral commissions and senior figures in the NGO and media worlds participated in the various meetings and/or groups, embedding the information provided and the debate into key areas of governance and civil society.
Evaluation Date
May 2012

Lesson Learned: Engendering democratic governance in South Asia

The regional components of the project were limited. There remain untapped regional synergies that would add value to the project’s outcomes. In particular, there is great potential for a regional network to be created bringing together the members of Watch Groups in the three countries. Journalists also indicated an interest in developing a regional network of media professionals interested in women’s issues and participation in government.
Project Partner
South Asia Partnership International
Project Description
The project aimed to enhance meaningful and equal participation of women in democratic governance by addressing the issues of gender-based exclusion, violence and discriminatory practices. The project established National Democracy Watch Groups (NDWGs) and Local Watch Groups (LWGs). These groups were intended to promote knowledge sharing. The project organized a series of local, national and regional meetings and included a component focusing on sensitizing the media to challenge gender stereotypes. The project succeeded in reaching a significant number of people across the three countries in through the watch groups as well as through radio debates and the stories developed by journalists trained as part of the project. The project exceeded its aims. Senior members of government (both national and local), democratic institutions such as electoral commissions and senior figures in the NGO and media worlds participated in the various meetings and/or groups, embedding the information provided and the debate into key areas of governance and civil society.
Evaluation Date
May 2012