Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
Grantees should conduct a pre-project assessment that establishes what the project activities' inherent risks are (e.g: non-participation, disinterest, feasibility issues) as well as the underlying reasons for said issues in order to mitigate project risks.
Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
To ensure meaningful and effective assessment of project results, use 'SMART' target indicators (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Organizations should use comparisons of pre- and post-project surveys to determine how their projects' specific activities and results have contributed towards the achievement of the projects' outcomes.
Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
When attempting to introduce or change perceptions of previously controversial and/or 'taboo' topics, organizations should highly consider the use of radio and TV in order to remove these concepts from social marginalization/isolation and encourage public debate on these topics.