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Lesson Learned: A New Constitution: Historical Opportunity to Advance Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Chile

Capturing, and preserving for future use, key takeaways and materials should be an integral part of any successful and well-run project. In the present case, the experience of the constitutional reform processes in Chile and lessons learned from the project will self-evidently be of wider interest in the Latin American region, and beyond.

Project Partner
Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género
Project Description
The project objective is to promote women’s participation and gender content in Chile’s current constitutional process; advance women’s understanding of a new constitution’s importance to them and their rights; generate debates on key gender issues; advocate for the inclusion of gender aspects in the drafting process. The project is highly relevant in the Covid-19 world and its aftermath, where it will be essential to address the massive impact of the crisis on women, ensuring that responses uphold their rights and are inclusive of their needs.
Evaluation Date
May 2024

Lesson Learned: Safeguarding the Rights of Transgender & Intersex Communities in Pakistan

Effective institutionalization of a technology driven initiative in government departments requires an assessment of their capacity and readiness. Technical and capacity support may be provided to ensure smooth transfer and successful adoption of technology. In the present project, an App developed to report human rights incidents and violations was handed off without prior assessment to a public office unprepared for ensuring its maintenance and use.

Project Partner
Formation Awareness & Community Empowerment Society
Project Description
The project objective is to work for the protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms of LGBTI persons, particularly transgender and intersex, in Lahore and Faisalabad districts. Expected outcomes include support for 5000 LGTQI/transgender persons; enhanced capacity of 50 civil society and human rights organizations; increased public awareness of LGBTI rights; registration of transgender and intersex persons for computerized national identity cards; improved policy framework and legal provision on the rights of transgender and intersex person.
Evaluation Date
March 2024

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Grassroots Women’s Groups to Promote and Protect Civic Space in Uganda

It is vital to document and present evidence of how a project meets target indicators in the delivery of its activities both for internal learning but also to be able to demonstrate effectiveness and impact in a robust and comprehensive way. This requires a dedicated person in charge of monitoring, evaluating, and learning.
Project Partner
All in One Womens Association
Project Description
The project goal is to empower 6,000 women by raising awareness of their gender specific rights, promoting women’s political participation, and addressing all forms of injustices that affect women’s wellbeing; strengthen the capacity of 100 unregistered women’s groups to become registered under the NGOs Act 2016; and support 100 registered women’s groups in advocating, promoting and protecting civic space in Uganda. Project activities will incorporate actions in response to the Covid-19 crisis, as it impacts women, including gender-based violence as well as social and economic pressures.
Evaluation Date
July 2023

Lesson Learned: Creating an Inclusive Policy and Legal System, Protecting Elderly People’s Fundamental Rights in Indonesia

The elderly project should be a source of learning for both UNDEF and the grantee organization LBH Apik, since both parties have not dealt exclusively with elderly before. In a short project such as this (especially with an unexpected challenge like the pandemic), the Donor and Implementing Agency should conduct more frequently periodical pause and reflection to assess direction, progress, challenges, and lessons learnt in order to be able to manage the project adaptively. Ideally this is done every quarter. Sessions for the purpose of learning need to be intentionally planned from the outset. It is unclear whether programmatic learning is being performed from the bottom to the top, and vice versa. It is useful however to cohesively provide a picture on the differences and similarities, and what worked and what did not work.

Project Partner
Indonesian Legal Aid Association for Women
Project Description
The aim of this project is to improve protection mechanisms and policies regarding basic rights and public services to the elderly. Three local partners, each located in one of the three targeted provinces will help complete the project. The project will collect data to close the evidence gap, raise public awareness, and enhance capacity building of the elderly and paralegals as they advocate to improve elderly programs and legal and public services at village and community levels. The project will include a strong gender focus by prioritizing women as paralegals and recipients of legal services.
Evaluation Date
January 2023

Lesson Learned: Tracking Campaign Promises in Albania

One of the main problems of this project was that its design robustness could have been reinforced by a more detailed and comprehensive needs assessment in smaller vs. bigger municipalities in order to avoid obsolescence in some big municipalities. Consequently, inappropriate and generalised needs assessments that lead to a “one size fits all” approach can negatively affect the impact’s likelihood.

Project Partner
Regional Development Agency Korce
Project Description
The project will help Albanian people to track promises made by politicians by providing Albanian citizens, CSOs and Media with tools to fact-check the implementation of their promises on-the-ground. Through a “truth-o-meter” web/app platform and through data checking and reporting, the project will hold 201 public officials/politicians in Albania accountable for their promises with the final aim to strengthen democracy and rule of law in Albania. Through simplified versions of municipal budgets made accessible as “citizens’ budgets”, citizens will be able to evaluate and take decisions affecting the future of those politicians that are in charge of taking decisions at local or national level.
Evaluation Date
January 2023

Lesson Learned: Jeunesse et participation électorale au Burkina Faso

Sensitivity to local languages should be an essential part of project design and delivery in countries where such diversity exists, though this may bring additional challenges in terms of measuring and evaluating the success of an intervention.
Project Partner
Association Jeunesse Espoir d’Afrique
Project Description
Le projet vise à renforcer davantage la mobilisation sociale et l'engagement de la jeunesse dans les processus électoraux en cours au Burkina en vue des élections couplées législatives et présidentielle de 2020. Il s’agira au cours du projet de faire le monitoring de l’enrôlement biométrique des électeurs, de mener des actions de préservation de la cohésion sociale pour un processus électoral apaisé. Il est également prévu la prévention des conflits électoraux par la réalisation du monitoring de la violence.
Evaluation Date
May 2022

Lesson Learned: Fostering the Electoral Participation of Internally Displaced Persons in Georgia

Elections-related projects aimed at contributing to the democratic consolidation, cannot be seen as self-sufficient, stand-alone initiatives. In the current case, not considering the deviation of the team’s assumptions from the actual baseline and the lack of subsequent review of the implementation strategy negatively affected the project’s relevance and overall impact. When drafting and implementing such projects, it is therefore important to consider the wide range of factors related not only to the micro dimension but also those related to the macro dimension, which are relevant for the project’s integration and relevance within the larger policy context and important for the sustainability and impact to reach beyond the project’s immediate lifetime.
Project Partner
Consortium Legal Aid Georgia
Project Description
The project aims to increase awareness of electoral processes and to create an informed type of participation for internally displaced persons in Georgia. This will be achieved through mobilization and training to improve knowledge of electoral processes and encourage meaningful electoral involvement in the upcoming 2020 parliamentary election, and 2021 municipal elections. Capacity building activities will target civil society organizations who observe and monitor local elections.
Evaluation Date
November 2021

Lesson Learned: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?

To ensure meaningful and effective assessment of project results, use 'SMART' target indicators (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Organizations should use comparisons of pre- and post-project surveys to determine how their projects' specific activities and results have contributed towards the achievement of the projects' outcomes.

Project Partner
INC Network of Media
Project Description
The project aims to enhance the role of women in Kosovo, through media, by focusing on three key topics: violence against women, discrimination in employment, and sexual harassment. The project will raise awareness on the above mentioned issues via radio, TV, and internet; increasing the capacity of women and key stakeholders through training, workshops, and meetings. Additionally, the project will directly engage with public authorities and private employers to advocate for the implementation of anti-discriminatory laws, policies and practices.
Evaluation Date
July 2018

Lesson Learned: Strengthening Democratic Participation of Maya Communities in Rural Guatemala

The project could have provided more analysis about the causes of violence against women and its impact on the status of women in society. Such an analysis could have strengthened the effectiveness and impact of the projects’ interventions. Activities to train and raise awareness among adolescent males and men could have been implemented.
Project Partner
Asociacion Probienestar en Accion - Saaq Ach'oool Nimla Kaleb'aal
Project Description
The project’s goal was to increase the recognition of traditional authorities and women of the Indigenous Communities of northern Alta Verapaz and their participation in decision-making processes and administration of justice. The grantee targeted groups who have historically lacked opportunity to participate in the decision-making at the local and national level, including leaders from the 33 indigenous communities officially recognized by the municipalities of Chisec and Raxruhá in northern Alta Verapaz, and the Maya women´s groups belonging to the Association of Organized Q´eqchi’ (AQT) in Chisec. The overall objective of the project was to promote the recognition of indigenous groups. In practice, the project established conditions for inclusive urban and rural development council systems, encouraging indigenous peoples and women in particular, to voice their concerns and get involved in decision making processes. This approach filled a gap in the existing consultation mechanisms and conveyed the needs of communities to the authorities in charge of the design of local development projects.
Evaluation Date
June 2015

Lesson Learned: Empowering Local CSOs in Yemen through Participation in Local Governance

The project document succinctly set out the key needs addressed by the project: to support the role of NGOs in post-2011 Yemen and to respond to the challenge of widespread poverty. However, the project document did not sufficiently analyze the challenges and opportunities related to local government structures in Yemen – in particular the difference in role between Local Councils (LCs) and Local Executive Offices (LEOs), which together form the Local Government Authorities (LGAs). LEOs are decision-making structures, which may access central government funds. By contrast LCs’ role is merely consultative.
Project Partner
Humanitarian Forum - Yemen
Project Description
The project aimed to address the problem of weak local civil society organizations [CSOs] and the general lack of collaboration between private and public development stakeholders in Yemen. Specifically, the project sought to improve the capacity of local CSOs and strengthen partnerships between local CSOs and the government at the local and national levels in order to effectively address emergencies and respond to humanitarian situations. The project was implemented in four governorates of Yemen (Sana’a, Aden, Hadramawt and Hudaydah ) and in three pilot pilot districts (Ghayl Ba Wazir in Hadramawt, Al Boreqah in Aden, and Al Mansuriyah in Hudaydah), while advocacy at national level was conducted with the authorities in Sana’a. The project was very relevant, in that it identified genuine needs at community level and in terms of civil society capacity building and took a two-pronged approach (that was appropriate to the situation in Yemen. The project could not have anticipated the near-failure of central government that Yemen has experienced since 2014. However the project strategy of working with local authorities and civil society stakeholders at community level was relevant to the reinforcement of local governance, irrespective of the national political situation. Some significant groundwork has been carried out in this respect, which may bear fruit if a functional government is re-established.
Evaluation Date
May 2015